August 8, 2014

Israel & Hollywood: Friends or Foe?

Israel & Hollywood: Friends or Foe? By: Michael Tobin Aug. 8, 2014

   Here are a few statements from a few celebrities. I've actually met Jon Voight and he's a seriously cool guy. But first, here's a letter of thank you for all those who support Israel.
Benjamin Netanyahu Aug 3, 2014 Thank You letter to supporters of Israel

The court jester strikes again. But even a fool should know who the good guys are. #BillMaher managed to ... provoke women and the pro-Palestinian camp with this tweet: “Dealing w/ Hamas is like dealing w/ a crazy woman who’s trying to kill u – u can only hold her wrists so long before you have to slap her.”
Bill Maher  

Jon Voight speaks out against ignorant celeb sympathizers, Penelope Cruz and Javier Barden. A letter last month in a Spanish newspapers signed by the couple demanded a cease-fire and called on the E.U. to condemn Israeli actions in Gaza that their letter described as “genocide.” Cruz flipflopped last Wednesday. “I’m not an expert on the situation and I’m aware of the complexity of it..." Bardem said the letter was “meant as a plea for peace. … I am now being labeled by some as anti-Semitic, as is my wife...We detest anti-Semitism as much as we detest the horrible and painful consequences of war.”
On Saturday, Jon Voight accused Bardem and Cruz of inciting anti-Semitism in a letter published in the Hollywood Reporter. “They are obviously ignorant of the whole story of Israel’s birth." #JonVoight chastised Cruz and Bardem for defaming “the only democratic country of goodwill in the Middle East: Israel.”

Jon Voight wikipedia photo

Joan Rivers speeks out. “They started it!” — meaning the Palestinians, ...“When Rivers was told that Selena Gomez had posted an Instagram sympathetic to Gaza, Rivers said sarcastically, ‘Selena Gomez, that college grad.’ When Rivers heard Rihanna had tweeted free palestine, Rivers said, ‘Can she even spell Palestine?’ ” Another article that misquoted everything else she said must have had an inkling of a conscience to quote her on this: " "Along with every other sane person in this world, I am praying for peace."
Joan Rivers

Ricky Davis Indie Hits And Bill Little Scott Films Latest Movies 032624

  Ricky Davis Indie Hits And Bill Little Scott Films Latest Movies  By: Michael D Tobin March 26, 2024 On this episode of the Lookout Guy po...