My SPREAKER podcast with "As California Goes," "Learning To Think," and "The Lookout Guy."

February 10, 2011

Charlie Sheen and Brook Mueller The Facts by: Michael D. Tobin

Never have I seen a man with such constant crooked directions, except for one of my own brothers, and for that, I can empathize with Mr. Sheen, and I applaud Mrs. Mueller, for her obvious graciousness, in this day and age of ruthless greed and unforgiveness. Notwithstanding, we all remain responsible for our own actions, in the long-run. Charlie Sheen and Brook Mueller have filed for divorce, and under California law, 6 months following the filing date is the day the divorce is final, which will be May 2, 2011.
Photo by, Michael D. Tobin
As ordered, "Under no circumstances shall the child support paid by Charlie for Bob and Max be less than the child support" paid by Charlie to earlier exe wife, Denise Richards, for Sam and Lola.
Here is the tally:
$55,000 per month, amounting to a combined $110K in child support toward Richards and Mueller. Mueller waived her right to spousal support, but is awarded $757,698.70 in addition to a $1 million share of the family home, valued at $6.4 million, that Sheen is keeping. Brook Mueller gets the Mercedes, their home in the Los Angeles neighborhood Los Feliz and $45,000 in moving expenses. Sheen gets their Four Seasons Club timeshare, which Brook and Charlie agreed may be used by Brook one week out of each year.

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