My SPREAKER podcast with "As California Goes," "Learning To Think," and "The Lookout Guy."

March 9, 2011

Does Charlie Sheen Have A Prayer? article and video

DOES SHEEN HAVE A PRAYER? By: Michael D. Tobin March9, 2011

***DEC. 8, 2012 UPDATE***

Many of us tend to see things on a so-called "global" perspective, and can't see the importance of a constant focus on a gnat, while theres a whole swarm around the world. With that in mind, it's also important to realize God focusses specifically on you as well. So here's a small focus that started with one man, Charlie Sheen, and now includes another, Co-star ctor, Angus T. Jones. Celebrity, business man/woman, rich or poor; doesn't matter. A soul saved is a soul saved. In light of Angus T. Jones of Two And a Half Men expressing his faith, here's an update article on his possible future or lack thereof, with two and a Half men. And maybe even with Charlie Sheen's new sit-com, "Anger Management?" Also, a 14 min. video of his Christian testimony.

CBS CEO Les Moonves gets snarky over Angus T. Jones

(CHARLIE SHEEN: " My former nephew is welcome at the Goodson Anger Management home anytime.")
CBS CEO Les Moonves addressed the controversy surrounding Angus T. Jones of "Two and a Half Men" at an industry breakfast hosted by the Wall Street Journal on Tuesday.
"We took this boy [Jones] who started with us when he was eight years old, and it seems to be what happens with child stars over the course of time," Moonves said. "He's now making over $300,000 per week, which is not a bad salary for a 19-year-old kid, and he went on a religious channel and urged people not to watch the show because it was filth. By the way, he's still collecting his $300,000 per week."
Moonves was cagey about whether Jones still has a job. When asked if he was in the market for a new “half man,” Moonves replied, "We have other plans. I don't know what our status is with him.” He then joked, "After going through what we went through with Charlie Sheen, it's been a piece of cake."
In a widely seen online video, Jones called the CBS sitcom "filth" and urged people not to watch it. Explaining that the show was in conflict with his religious beliefs, Jones said, “People will see us and be like, 'I can be a Christian and be on a show like ‘Two and a Half Men.' You can't. You cannot be a true God-fearing person and be on a television show like that. I know I can't."
Jones later apologized. In a statement, he said, "Without qualification, I am grateful to and have the highest regard and respect for all of the wonderful people on 'Two and a Half Men' with whom I have worked and over the past 10 years who have become an extension of my family."
Moonves, who is married to television personality Julie Chen, has a history of playing a strong hand when it comes to decisions around CBS, even though his position as CEO puts him far above such matters. "I'm very involved," Moonves said in an interview with The Wall Street Journal earlier this year. "It's probably sometimes overbearing and annoying, but I know what I'm talking about." It was Moonves who made the decision to re-cast the female lead in "The Big Bang Theory" after the pilot was shot. He thought the show would benefit from a "girl next door" type that the audience could relate to. Turns out he was right. The show is a ratings monster.
Should Moonves decide to give Jones his walking papers, the young actor can take comfort that his former costar Charlie Sheen has offered him a role on his new show, "Anger Management." Sheen told ABC News, "My former nephew is welcome at the Goodson Anger Management home anytime."
(Video published Nov. 27, 2012) Two and a Half Men Star Angus T. Jones Calls Show "Filth"


(Original Post march 9, 2011 By: Michael Tobin) I've been talking about Charlie Sheen and possibilities of him being so far gone. A psychologist suggested he may be having a nervous breakdown. I also listened to a couple remixes of all his interviews, and the words he uses are so apocolyptic, sinister and even Biblical words with scriptural relevence, as well as refering to himself as magic, a warlock, assassin and all kinds of things that I believe only an anarchist/satanist/disestablishment-thinking person can speak so fluently, as Charlie Sheen does. I've researched him quite a bit already and I'm convinced his drug use and pride in influencing others is exactly like witchcraft. And that's one thing I can never get myself to research because everything out there suggests it is more rampant than people would like to believe. I've read a few articles and listened to a few interviews from the time I was at the radio station and even recently, about witchcraft, and every year around holloween actually. And that's one thing I can't stand reading and listening about. But Charlie Sheen fits the bill. I pray for him and there are so many more who are, also. He NEEDS help, and he's not accepting help. I pray God terrifies him in a dream and scares the crap out of him with an angel that'll make him crap his pants. We'll see. Or else God may also be alot more gentle and tactful, whatever it takes. But if I were ever so deranged and someone told me they prayed God will scare the literal crap out of me, and He actually did according to the prayer, and I bacame sane and born-again for some miraculous reason, I would say, "thank you for telling God to scare the crap out of me, because I needed it. It was emberrassing, but I needed it. It was stinky, but I needed it." Actually God did tell me something before coming back to Him when I was 23, 24 yrs ago, as I was having a few beers. I had also smiked crack and marijuana back then , mostly pot, and just a couple years occasional crack. So I know what Sheen is experiencing, though I never passed the limit of the need to have it. Thank God I never passed from the recreational and fascination of the high that drug produces. It is only God's mercies I came out of it. So God  scared me. But it was true. He told me where I was heading and I would not get any help from any of my family or friends, and the only help is when I call out to God for help. I immediately thought that that's as bad as it gets, when one's family turns their back on someone and I didn't want to shame my family any more. Long story short, low and behold here I am with my sanity, working a good job and a good citizen. I see Charlie Sheen heading the same direction I was and he's even farther than I got. So yeah, this is actually a story that I think every family in the country may relate to. I would say Charlie Sheen DOES have a prayer. Do you?

Clik On Yellow Link and Not The Photo, To Access The Video. Beware of Video Contains Graphic Language And Descriptives photo and video from TMZ

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