This article contains:
Ironically, this "Open Letter" and FB responses are nowhere to be found on the internet, and had it not been for a friend of mines lightning fast work, (Robin Cash), it would have been lost forever, as I mentioned to her TBN's plan to "remove" from their FB site. But they failed to mention they would "remove" the "Open Letter..." as well. We both then went to retrieving what was still there before removal. So I hope we all can appreciate my friend for copying them. Because in my frantic effort to do so, I had inadvertently deletd both in the complications of my pc stalling and freezing periodically during the whole process, working with too many windows open and too many tasks. Finally, I remind you, my readers, that I am not tearing down, nor am I slandering. My intents are to show fellow believers that many in top church broadcasting and leadership are no different from today's politicians. They believe they can "hush" things. And this is one more rare time that something did not disappear. Don't expect me to use Scriptures to justify this blog, or for me to participate in any Scriptural arguments, because right is right, and wrong is wrong. Simple. You may read the FB response, however, that survived deletion, to see my views on this situation.
- Paul Crouches "Open Letter To Jack Van Impe", which was posted to on June 17, 2011, and removed from, TBN's Facebook site on June 18th, 2011.
- Jack Van Impe's responses to TBN's removal of a number of JVIM's broadcasts.
- TBN's note to their FB members and members responses, which had the link to the PDF "Open Letter"before TBN "removed" it.
- A WND (World Net Daily) article dated June 16th, (before Paul Crouch published his "Open Letter To Jack Van Impe".
Ironically, this "Open Letter" and FB responses are nowhere to be found on the internet, and had it not been for a friend of mines lightning fast work, (Robin Cash), it would have been lost forever, as I mentioned to her TBN's plan to "remove" from their FB site. But they failed to mention they would "remove" the "Open Letter..." as well. We both then went to retrieving what was still there before removal. So I hope we all can appreciate my friend for copying them. Because in my frantic effort to do so, I had inadvertently deletd both in the complications of my pc stalling and freezing periodically during the whole process, working with too many windows open and too many tasks. Finally, I remind you, my readers, that I am not tearing down, nor am I slandering. My intents are to show fellow believers that many in top church broadcasting and leadership are no different from today's politicians. They believe they can "hush" things. And this is one more rare time that something did not disappear. Don't expect me to use Scriptures to justify this blog, or for me to participate in any Scriptural arguments, because right is right, and wrong is wrong. Simple. You may read the FB response, however, that survived deletion, to see my views on this situation.
Michael D. Tobin
Open Letter
June 17, 2011
An Open Letter to Jack Van Impe:
Dear Jack:
It is with sadness that I read the statement posted on your website announcing that you have
decided to withdraw your program from TBN.
When I learned that there was a potential disagreement between us, I reached out to you in an
effort to resolve your issues with TBN in a manner recommended by our Lord in Matthew 18. It
was my belief after our telephone call that we had resolved this matter with a mutually agreeable
understanding and that your program would continue to air on its regular schedule.
Needless to say, I was disheartened to learn that you had yet again changed your mind and are, in
fact, determined to cancel your program on TBN. Even more disappointing is that I had to find
out about this decision through your website rather than from you personally.
A disagreement among Christian brothers and/or ministries is not an unusual occurrence.
Historically, disagreements among men of faith can be traced back to the Apostles. However,
Scripture is clear in how we should deal with these disagreements and with each other. (Matthew
18:15-17, Romans 14:10-22, Galatians 6:1-10, 1 Thessalonians 5:12-15, Ephesians 4:15.)
It has been my position for TBN’s 38 years of ministry that TBN preach Christ only and that it
does not become a bully pulpit for endless debate and/or criticism on/of various doctrinal issues
among denominations, churches, ministries or individuals. Specifically, it has been TBN’s policy
not to allow its broadcast air time to be utilized for personal attacks by one Christian brother
against another or to call them out by name. (Luke 9:50, 1 Corinthians 12:12-27.)
Although I understand, and actually agree with, your position that you “will not allow anyone to
tell me what I can and cannot preach,” I trust you understand that TBN takes the same position
with its broadcast air time as well. As such, contrary to the title of your website statement, TBN
has done nothing to censor you or your program but rather, following its policy, has chosen not
to air those programs at issue. TBN is aware that you have other forums in which to voice your
opinions on this topic and welcomes you to do so.
In closing, your program has been a blessing to our TBN viewers. Your interpretation of
Scripture as it relates to the End Times and your application of that Scripture to the latest world
events is both enlightening and educational. I, for one, will be sad not to be able to view your
program on TBN. Be that as it may, I likewise bear no personal animosity to you, but sometimes,
we simply must ‘agree to disagree’ and move on with our respective ministries. As such, I have
great respect for you and your ministry and trust that God will continue to richly bless you in all
that you do.
Paul F. Crouch
President and Founder
Trinity Broadcasting Network
June 17, 2011
An Open Letter to Jack Van Impe:
Dear Jack:
It is with sadness that I read the statement posted on your website announcing that you have
decided to withdraw your program from TBN.
When I learned that there was a potential disagreement between us, I reached out to you in an
effort to resolve your issues with TBN in a manner recommended by our Lord in Matthew 18. It
was my belief after our telephone call that we had resolved this matter with a mutually agreeable
understanding and that your program would continue to air on its regular schedule.
Needless to say, I was disheartened to learn that you had yet again changed your mind and are, in
fact, determined to cancel your program on TBN. Even more disappointing is that I had to find
out about this decision through your website rather than from you personally.
A disagreement among Christian brothers and/or ministries is not an unusual occurrence.
Historically, disagreements among men of faith can be traced back to the Apostles. However,
Scripture is clear in how we should deal with these disagreements and with each other. (Matthew
18:15-17, Romans 14:10-22, Galatians 6:1-10, 1 Thessalonians 5:12-15, Ephesians 4:15.)
It has been my position for TBN’s 38 years of ministry that TBN preach Christ only and that it
does not become a bully pulpit for endless debate and/or criticism on/of various doctrinal issues
among denominations, churches, ministries or individuals. Specifically, it has been TBN’s policy
not to allow its broadcast air time to be utilized for personal attacks by one Christian brother
against another or to call them out by name. (Luke 9:50, 1 Corinthians 12:12-27.)
Although I understand, and actually agree with, your position that you “will not allow anyone to
tell me what I can and cannot preach,” I trust you understand that TBN takes the same position
with its broadcast air time as well. As such, contrary to the title of your website statement, TBN
has done nothing to censor you or your program but rather, following its policy, has chosen not
to air those programs at issue. TBN is aware that you have other forums in which to voice your
opinions on this topic and welcomes you to do so.
In closing, your program has been a blessing to our TBN viewers. Your interpretation of
Scripture as it relates to the End Times and your application of that Scripture to the latest world
events is both enlightening and educational. I, for one, will be sad not to be able to view your
program on TBN. Be that as it may, I likewise bear no personal animosity to you, but sometimes,
we simply must ‘agree to disagree’ and move on with our respective ministries. As such, I have
great respect for you and your ministry and trust that God will continue to richly bless you in all
that you do.
Paul F. Crouch
President and Founder
Trinity Broadcasting Network
June 15, 2011
As we shared with you on Jack Van Impe Presents this week as well as this Daily Update section on our Web page, we have cancelled our program on the Trinity Broadcasting Network, effective Friday, June 10, 2011. Late on Monday afternoon, June 13, 2011, I received a voice mail message from Paul Crouch, Sr. stating that he had reinstated our program for this week (Airing a program from April 2nd, not the latest program from June 6th) and his desire to talk with Dr. Van Impe. In a conversation with Dr. Crouch later that evening, I told him that I had left a message on Dr. Van Impe’s phone regarding his call (the Van Impe’s had been out that evening with some of their neighbors and did not return home until much later.) In our conversation Dr. Crouch again cautioned me regarding Dr. Van Impe’s naming of names and publically rebuking ministers and their teachings.
After much time in prayer the Van Impe’s determined that we could not come back to TBN. We would not be able to minister effectively if we had to look over our shoulder wondering if a program was going to be censored because of mentioning a name.
This was not an easy decision; we have had a relationship with TBN for 23 years. While there is hurt over this incident, we hold no animosity towards TBN. Dr. Van Impe has often expressed his appreciation to Paul and Jan and all that they have accomplished in broadcasting to the world. In fact, the last time we had a satellite uplink with Paul for a Praise the Lord broadcast, Dr. Van Impe reiterated his thankfulness for TBN and its ministry. But at this point we feel it is time to part ways.
We have been able to over the years develop an independent network of broadcast stations all across America as well as broadcasting on TBN and Daystar. Our Media Agents have worked diligently and determined that we need to add 14 stations to be able to continue fully covering every mile of America. Praise God I am pleased to announce that negotiations have progressed in these 14 markets and that contracts will be presented to the Van Impe’s for approval in a matter of days. We look forward to reaching every city and town with the good news of the Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ.
I also want to thank each one of you that have contacted us with your words of encouragement this past week. Never before have we experienced such an overwhelming outpouring of love and support. All of your messages have been given to the Van Impe’s and they are thankful to each and every one of you. We look forward to coming into your homes with Jack Van Impe Presents each week and until then keep “Looking for that blessed hope, and the glorious appearing of the great God and our Saviour Jesus Christ” (Titus 2:13).
Ken Vancil
Executive Director
Jack Van Impe Ministries
Executive Director
Jack Van Impe Ministries
5 hours ago
- From Paul F. Crouch, President and Founder of TBN
An Open Letter to Jack Van Impe
An open letter from Paul Franklin Crouch in response to Jack Van Impe's withdrawal from Trinity Broadcasting Network
17 hours ago · Like · · Share
195 people like this.
101 of 217
Kendra Porter Wow jack wasnt in the wrong tbn.I am so proud of jack for standing up for what he believes in. i have always loved tbn but i am very disappointed with tbn. You lost an amazing preacher!
13 hours ago · Like · 13 people
Dianne Savage Wow, the letter was so lovingly and diplomatcally drafted in response to a difficult situation, truely Christ-like. So sorry to hear of JVI's decision to leave TBN over this situation. Agree with TBN's position, Christians are not to be ripping each other apart publically, and the letter includes appropriate scripture references.
13 hours ago · Like · 7 people
Myrna Lee McCord McNutt
I have read letters from both ministries on this and heard JVI on another channel other than TBN last night give the true facts. My husband & I appreciate JVI ministry so much & look forward to his program each week .... it is very imforma...See More
13 hours ago · Like · 8 people
Eric Turcott TBN is definitely in the wrong here. Rick Warren is promoting "chrislam." Which is some combination of islam and Christianity. Jack was gonna expose Rick but TBN is acting scared. Sad to say this really lowers my opinion of TBN and I used to defend them when people spoke badly of them. :-/
13 hours ago · Like · 15 people
Deon Scheepers Dear Paul Crouch - you seem to fall into the same trap satan has set for both of you, to discuss disagreements publicly - wash the dirty washing at home, please
13 hours ago · Like · 1 person
Tia Renee What good is salt when it has lost it's flavor? TBN is trying to be all things to all people and in the process is losing its flavor.Jesus is the way the truth and the life. His word is true and can not be modified altered or spun.I stand with Jack and Hal.
13 hours ago · Like · 13 people
Annette Farrish We have to be careful what comes out of our mouth-it can cause distruction.
13 hours ago · Like · 5 people
Carmilla Marino I love you TBN , but I have to disagree with you on this one. I totally agree with JVI. As far as Rick Warren; he is promoting Chrislam. Part Islam and Christanity, and it's not good. I am praying for TBN and JVI, that the Peace and Love of God as they wait upon the Lord and God will restore and heal there conflict.
12 hours ago · Like · 16 people
Equipping For Change Ministries I don't know if any one is in the wrong or if any wrong has been done by either party except that they disagree about another ministry. I see the letter as being an example to agree to disagree in love. As the letter says, there have been disagreements among Christians since the beginning of the Church. Sometimes we just have to agree to disagree and go on about The Father's business.
12 hours ago · Like · 8 people
Kath Baer Thank you Paul for avoiding strife on programs on TBN and handling this in love as we are commanded.
12 hours ago · Like · 8 people
Judith DeCrescenzo
"If u love this world/ur not one of Mine"...JESUS is not a religion...we are call to pray for our enemies..not embrace or include their doctrines of hate..islam ultimately is hate .this action may be a means of cleansing who is one of HIS....See More
12 hours ago · Like · 3 people
Sandy Smith
The letter was very diplomatic, and professional. I am truly sorry for the end of a 23 year relationship. Two men of God that I respect, but now have to question what is truth because the bible clearly states "For the time will come when ...See More
12 hours ago · Like · 12 people
Kath Baer It is not our job to correct other ministries unless we are in authority over them as Paul was over the churchs he started. Jesus himself said to leave the tares alone. Be about your Father's business and stop wasting time tearing apart others. Thank you Paul for having the biblical stance.
11 hours ago · Like · 4 people
Revonda Laney I saw the program and am shocked quite frankly TBN choose not to air it.
11 hours ago · Like · 7 people
Shirley Hayes Carroll I am listening to both sides and weighing the issues, right now, very disturbed by those preachers that have been exposed as promotion of removing crosses from churches, eliminating words like Heaven, Hell, unsaved, lost., removing hymn books..what compromise! What lukewarmness & departure from the faith....TBN stay true!
11 hours ago · Like · 7 people
Kath Baer We can expose false TEACHING , we can expose chrislam without personal attacks. God is more than able to get rid of tares.
11 hours ago · Like · 4 people
Judith Carolyn Kingsman how sad. i shall miss him. GOD bless him.
11 hours ago · Like · 4 people
Shirley Hayes Carroll If we don't expose false teachers..then folks will continue to be deceived by them....thank God, a few faithful ministers like Jack Van Impe are courageous enough to do so..that is the "old time religion" as Paul warned about the wolves in sheeps clothing.
11 hours ago · Like · 22 people
Carol Metzer How sad when a preacher preaches the truth, he gets the shaft, its disgraceful to me, I am for the truth and will only watch that, sorry for whimps when it comes to standing up for the gospil..Am behind you JVI...
11 hours ago · Like · 17 people
Tanya Melody very well spoken n a true example of how to deal with disagreements...thank you Pastor Crouch
10 hours ago · Like · 5 people
Liliana Vargas Where can i find this letter, i tried opening it with my htc evo 4g and it say i can't.
10 hours ago · Like · 3 people
Liliana Vargas I haven't read the letter but from what i read just sounds like something the enemy will do to discourage unbelievers to come to Jesus, and for the believers to lose focus on God and put it on man, I don't know what really hapend but God does, let us pray for God to straighten things up.
10 hours ago · Like · 4 people
Merilyn Davis @ TBN: (Paul and Jan) you so bless me! This open letter demonstrates the core values of TBN, all things decent and in order according to the Word!; integrity at it finest! A regular viewer; enjoy your family!, and Jan is AMAZING! TBN, - - a gift to the world! Blessed regards!
10 hours ago · Like · 7 people
Liliana Vargas
.... for the devil has come down to you with great wrath, because he knows hes a short time. Revelation 12:12.... Now more than ever we need to hold on to God and learn to listen to the voice of God for ourselves and be guided by Him, the ...See More
9 hours ago · Like · 4 people
Joseph P. Hildebrandt I'm supporting Jack and sending him what I sent to tbn. Be a watchman on the wall Dr. Van Impe!!! God bless him!!
9 hours ago · Like · 6 people
Cindi Santti Heng Jack VI has an arrogant attitude. I never watch him.
9 hours ago · Like · 3 people
Joseph P. Hildebrandt And Paula White, is the pits!! She is a money honey who is nothing more than an embarrassment to the body of Christ! Get rid of her too!!!
9 hours ago · Like · 3 people
Ramona PeKarek We are praying that everything work out!
9 hours ago · Like · 3 people
Cindi Santti Heng The letter from Paul Crouch is an excellent example and written in love. He made it public only because Jack did. Jack reminds me of a little boy who can't get his own way so he quits. He was incorrect in his handling of the matter.
9 hours ago · Like · 7 people
Yoly Jordan Good !!!!! Jack Van Impe always gave me the creeps.
9 hours ago · Like · 3 people
Margaret Nunnery Great letter. I've been missing the last few Wed. nite Jack's program, so I don't know what's up. I've been following Jack since 1988 when I lived in Oregon. He does know his stuff, and believes where we are in Time today. Stunning news....
5 hours ago
- 2nd part to JVI letter9 hours ago · Like · 5 people
Kath Baer One of the 7 things God hates is those that divide the brethren.
9 hours ago · Like · 5 people
Karen VerMeer Stopped watching a while back ... had no idea this was going on.
9 hours ago · Like · 1 person
Teresa Atchenson Passing through. What age group are u n?
9 hours ago · Like · 1 person
Teresa Atchenson Truth divides.
9 hours ago · Like · 3 people
Jerri Jackson The letter is so well stated. This is truly the way we are to agree to disagree. JVI was on a "classic" TBN show and he was very rude to his wife. He may have a lot to say, but he is very angry and comes across as hateful. Jesus was not like that, so who is JVI representing.
9 hours ago · Like · 5 people
Liliana Vargas One of the problems we have as believers is that we let our guard down just because we are already saved, we think that the devil can only attack the outsiders but the bible says : Let him who thinks he stands take heed lest he falls. 1 Corinthians 10:12 (nkjv) . . . let us watch and pray.
9 hours ago · Like · 7 people
Bonnie Elske This is very sad as I love to watch your program. I love prophecy as I believe we are all living in the last days, especialy when you look at whats happening in the Middle East. As Christians I think we should know so that we can educate people. Your knowledge of the Bible is amazing God bless you and Roxella. I pray your ministry will flourish so we can win souls for the Kingdom !
8 hours ago · Like · 11 people
Karen VerMeer The post on the Jack Van Impe facebook page makes it seem like this was his decision alone...and it's a "big thing" that he is leaving.
8 hours ago · Like · 1 person
Ronda Gerlach I, for one, am glad that he is no longer gonna be on TBN.
8 hours ago · Like · 2 people
8 hours ago · Like · 5 people
Carolyn McNeil Hate to see jvi go, but I will not be leaving TBN.
8 hours ago · Like · 5 people
Roxanne Cooper well, well, well don't know what to say but pray.
8 hours ago · Like · 3 people
Victoria Ledger Zee This letter is very well stated, truth spoken in love and with class.
8 hours ago · Like · 5 people
Millisa Gingerich Great letter Dr Crouch Your a class act :):)
God Bless You Jan Paul Jr Matt and the rest of your family always :)
7 hours ago · Like · 1 person
Shirley Hayes Carroll
I just want to heart is hurting for the damage this will do to the spread of the gospel of Jesus Christ. Jesus is the Truth, the Way and the Life....not the diverted path some are attempting to do thru deceitful words in their bo...See More
7 hours ago · Like · 6 people
Michael Tobin somebodies feathers were ruffled. Open letters such as this are more self-incriminating than anything.
7 hours ago · Like · 4 people
Anna Coleman
after doing a little research, not in depth but still research, I could not find anything that causes me to oppose Rick Warren but yet found items that wonder if Jack Van Impe is even alive. I think Dr Crouch did the correct thing. We sho...See More
7 hours ago · Like
Dora Burk Shame on U TBN !!!
7 hours ago · Like · 4 people
Victoria Ledger Zee
One more comment: Who hasn't already heard about Rick Warren at this point? At this point, Rick Warren has already heard the Christian Community's reaction. I personally do not want to turn on TBN & hear him or anyone else publicly verball...See More
7 hours ago · Like · 2 people
Dora Burk Where Will JVI BE Aired now?? Man full of wisdom and knowledge, ..can't believe all this anti-Christ stuff...
7 hours ago · Like · 4 people
Shirley Hayes Carroll
The New Testament preaching of Paul “kept back nothing” (Acts 20:20) and involved reproving, rebuking and exhorting with patience and doctrine, bearing in mind a future time when people would no longer “endure sound doctrine, but according ...See More
7 hours ago · Like · 4 people
Millisa Gingerich Dora- Check your Tv guide or check one of the other Christian tv networks
7 hours ago · Like · 2 people
Ron J. Limbrick Have just read this letter and I am very impressed with the humble heart and scriptural straight forwardness. Blessings.....
7 hours ago · Like · 2 people
Teresa Ritchey Patterson I'mnot able to pull it up.. It says this file could harm my computer.. What happened? what did JVI do? I have never been much for him.. But I know that Paul & Jan helped him get started many years ago..
6 hours ago · Like
Teresa Ritchey Patterson Just read from a friends wall.. Excellent!! Paul. Sometimes. People in high positions become proud.. I am seeing this more and more.. When this happens God will humble them. If they don't repent they could loose their ministry.. I know of another well known person.. who is being humbled however is so proud still refuses to repent.. ♥
6 hours ago · Like · 1 person
Michael Tobin @Teresa, JVIM was not helped by TBN. I was watching JVI as a little child long before TBN aired the program. Here is JVIM side of the situation. . Realize that certain Christians' reasons for secret meetings is for apostacy to be "hushed".
6 hours ago · Like · 3 people
Brenda Kay Mattea Dear Brother Paul F Crouch ! It is time for some new blood!!! God is getting ready to bring them in! I Love you Brother Paul and Sister Jan Crouch! Truely You are Blessed! Love, brenda kay mattea :)
5 hours ago · Like · 1 person
Merwin Joy Gal 2:11 But when Peter was come to Antioch, I [Paul] withstood him to the face, because he was to be blamed. Peter was rebuked openly [I said unto Peter before them all Gal 2:14] There are times when Godly people must be rebuked openly, "before them all" It's time those who refuse to preach the whole council of God stand rebuked openly - before all. Biblically I must stand with the Van Impe's on this issue.
5 hours ago · Like · 6 people
Elizabeth Saxon Regarding all the postings here. I have never seen so many people who have SUCH DISCERNMENT!! It is so wonderful to see that not all Christians are dumb and deluded. Such wise men and women of God here!!
4 hours ago · Like · 2 people
Elizabeth Saxon Again I am reposting Jack can Impe's side of the story:
4 hours ago · Like
Waneida White
a very polite response I must say but misses the mark of the issue that caused the division it seems. I have listened to the opposed broadcast more than once thanks to the JVI website and found it informational and based on proof of what th...See More
4 hours ago · Like · 5 people
Karen VerMeer Have you seen what they are posting on the Van Impe page?
4 hours ago · Like · 1 person
Holly Rock
Over the years, I have learned alot from Mr. Van Impe, but I was especially dishearted every time he would talk badly about our President. As he leaves TBN, I hope that he will take to heart all of the correction that has been presented to ...See More
3 hours ago · Like · 1 person
Elizabeth Saxon brenda kay is so right. I mean so what if TBN loses certain ministers? They should be looking for the NEW THING God is doing through other prophets and ministers of The Word. God does NOT have a lack of men and women who speak the True Gospel. Let's see new blood who are preaching and speaking the TRUTH.
3 hours ago · Like · 1 person
Elizabeth Saxon
DIVISION IS NOT ALWAYS THE DEVIL!!!!!!! God seperates truth from lies EVEN AMONG BRETHREN!! If TBN was telling JVI to not speak the truth about ministers on TBN {who are preaching a false gospel } because TBN would lose money then that is G...See More
3 hours ago · Like
James V Collins tbn tried to censore him,their no good
3 hours ago · Like · 1 person
Teresa Gomez When you tried to censor Jack Van Impe you lost my support and viewing. I will no longer support TBN nor will I watch your channel.
3 hours ago · Like
Annamaria Raina the love of many will cool off as time draws near to the end , even the chosen ones will be mislead ....amen! thanku tbn for all u do ! in the name of jesus gbut ...
3 hours ago · Like
Teresa Ritchey Patterson @ Michael Toben. Actually Yes they did.. Jack himself said so on his program..
3 hours ago · Like
Sharon Hancock-Shipley
I recall when this same type of situation happened with Hal Lindsey - shortly after 9/11. I discontinued my meager monthly support to TBN at that time...have not - and do not ever - plan to renew that support. Too many Christians are givi...See More
3 hours ago · Like · 4 people
Elizabeth Saxon Holly Rock are you serious?? Talking "bad" about "our President"-- Does not a man of God have God's authority to preach the truth? even about our president?? Do you not know that Henry Kissinger said on Tv that they are raising Obama to be the leader of the New World order? Do you not know that Obama is potentially the Anti-Christ??? wake up.
3 hours ago · Like · 1 person
5 hours ago
- last part to JVI letter3 hours ago · Like · 1 person
Brenda Kay Mattea Oh and Brother Paul & Jan the new blood coming you way has been humbled by life and they will appreciate you and your network! And they will be faithful and loving and kind son and daughters to your Jesus Ministries and Networks! Oh and also they will be Pure in their walks of life in fear and trembling before God! Love You Guys So Much!!!! :DLove, brenda kay mattea
3 hours ago · Like · 1 person
Nicole Diamond-Smith
has anyone notice that TBN has removed or those that have chosen to leave are those that speak of the behaviors/attitudes of our leaders? yet TBN has been hosted by/spoken to by secular people. it is very sad to see CHRISTIANS getting their...See More
2 hours ago · Like · 1 person
2 hours ago · Like
2 hours ago · Like
James V Collins i guess TBN will just keep the ones who just want your money people! wake up!!!
2 hours ago · Like
James V Collins oh !!oh !!!seems brenda is brain wash!!!!
2 hours ago · Like
Michael Tobin Theresa, I believe you but JVIM was just being gracious our help is really from God. JVIM did the right thing by acknowledging that.
2 hours ago · Like
Debra Dyste This is "why" it's so important to never follow a leader, ministry, organization, etc., to the point of replacing God as first, or even extinction. Leaders on many counts will fail..some may even go into apostacy. Don't rule out your Bible & personal relationship w/Jesus, as #1 driving force. He will never fail you. When all roads may say go this one way -- God may be saying "check" direction. Pray for the brethern.
about an hour ago · Like
Vicki DeJaynes I can see both their points. I'll still watch both men.
54 minutes ago · Like
Michael Tobin doesn't matter to TBN anyway whatever all our comments are. I see one of mine was deleted. That's ok I would've deleted it too. At least whoever needed evidence on the fruits and real intent on many ministries saw it. I don't seek to slander or tear down, I just speak the truth because God is getting angrier at fake Christianity, people are getting tired of being swindled, and God will have the last word.
17 minutes ago · Unlike · 2 people
Robin Cash amen to that Michael
a few seconds ago · Like
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Van Impe ministry abandons TBN in clash over Islam
Network turned back episode that challenged leaders over 'apostasy'
Posted: June 16, 2011
1:00 am Eastern
By Bob Unruh
© 2011 WND
Jack Van Impe |
"I Will Not Be Silenced! I will not allow anyone to tell me what I can and cannot preach," Van Impe said in a statement when TBN would not allow his program to air.
"When I see heretical teaching leading to apostasy, I will speak out," he said. "The Bible says 'All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness:' (II Timothy 3:16). The Apostle Paul also gives instructions in Titus 1:9-11, 13 'Holding fast the faithful word as he hath been taught, that he may be able by sound doctrine both to exhort and to convince the gainsayers. For there are many unruly and vain talkers and deceivers … Whose mouths must be stopped, who subvert whole houses, teaching things which they ought not, for filthy lucre's sake…Wherefore rebuke them sharply, that they may be sound in the faith.'"
Van Impe said he immediately called his media agents and told them, "I no longer wanted to air my program on Trinity Broadcasting Network; we will take the tremendous amount of money that we were spending there to obtain new stations that will allow us to continue to reach every square mile of America with the truths of the Bible without this network."
(Story continues below)
In a statement from Van Impe Ministries today, Executive Director Ken Vancil said his organization rejected an effort by TBN to reinstate the programming and would work to develop alternative broadcast outlets where they were needed.
"We would not be able to minister effectively if we had to look over our shoulder wondering if a program was going to be censored because of mentioning a name," Vancil said. "While there is hurt over this incident, we hold no animosity towards TBN. Dr. Van Impe has often expressed his appreciation to Paul and Jan (Crouch, of TBN) and all that they have accomplished."
But he confirmed that Paul Crouch Sr. "cautioned" him as recently as Monday "regarding Dr. Van Impe's naming of names and publicly rebuking ministers and their teachings."
The dispute erupted just last week, when Van Impe's ministry planned to air sharp criticism of Christians who say they want to "reach out" by incorporating beliefs or practices of Islam into their Christian organizations.
The program specifically mentioned Warren and Schuller, prompting TBN to prevent the broadcast.
"We received a call from Matt Crouch of TBN informing us that they would not run that program. … The reason he gave was that we specifically mentioned Rick Warren and Robert Schuller and that it is TBN's policy that broadcasters are not allowed to rebuke other ministries," Van Impe said.
"This is a rather hypocritical statement in light of the fact that they have never said anything in the past when we have rebuked others such as Bishop Spong, Bishop Pike, and in the past few months Harold Camping and Rob Bell," he continued. "They also stated that they would not run any future program where we offered our DVD Reclaiming & Restoring Biblical Christianity as a premium for a donation to our ministry. A DVD that exposes false teachers and the heresies that they proclaim."
TBN did not respond to WND's request for comment on the dispute.
Vancil said after TBN's decision not to air the program that there was no future between the two groups.
"This was not an easy decision; we have had a relationship with TBN for 23 years. … But at this point we feel it is time to part ways," he said. "We have been able to over the years develop an independent network of broadcast stations all across America as well as broadcasting on TBN and Daystar. Our media agents have worked diligently and determined that we need to add 14 stations to be able to continue fully covering every mile of America.
"Praise God I am pleased to announce that negotiations have progressed in these 14 markets and that contracts will be presented to the Van Impes for approval in a matter of days," he said.
In the program that was cut, which remains available on the Jack Van Impe Ministries website, the ministry launches its campaign regarding "apostate ministers."
Van Impe explains that the Bible prophesies a one-world government and a one-world religion during the end times, and his concern focuses on the move among some Christian organizations to adopt some Islamic thought and incorporate elements of Islam into their worship.
"We've got too many of these mush-mouth preachers. All they're doing is two stories and a movie review," he said. But the Bible actually outlines that its messages also are to "reprove and rebuke" Christians for failing to live for God.
According to the broadcast, "Chrislam is a term that may be used more often among apostate churches."
Such Islamic and evangelical Christian leaders, the report explained, are working to find a way to promote "common beliefs the two religions supposedly share."
Specifically cited were Warren and Schuller.
During a subsequent broadcast, also available on the ministry's website, the advance of "Chrislam" thoughts and practices into Christian churches was described as a "tsunami of compromise."
"This compromise is going to permeate Christianity," Van Impe said. "I'm calling for the old-time religion to be restored.
"God called me to preach. And I will not stand down for any man, for any church, for any Christian organization," he said.
The report noted that there are some Christian missionaries overseas who have "eliminated 91 verses in God's Holy Word because they wanted to please Islam and the Muslims."
Those references identify Jesus as the Son of God.
Other developments include moves by some Christian churches to remove clear Christian emblems such as crosses.
He said what churches need today is that "old time religion" and less "self-esteem psycho-babble."
Criticized on the program were recommendations attributed to Warren that churches change music to a contemporary rock style, eliminate hymnbooks and the choir, eliminate the Sunday evening or Wednesday prayer services, remove the word "church" and refer to it as a "campus," and reduce the use of the words "unsaved," "lost," "hell" and "heaven."
Other ministries have voiced criticism similar to Van Impe's.
Joe Schimmel, senior pastor of Blessed Hope Chapel in Southern California and chief of the Good Fight Ministries, openly has questioned whether church leaders are affirming Allah.
Schimmel, who is best known for "They Sold Their Souls for Rock n Roll," which exposes satanic influences behind much of yesterday and today's popular music and how it negatively influences youth, suggested in a WND column, "Could it be that we are witnessing the formation of the prophesied one-world religion under the Antichrist? (Revelation 13:1-18) "
He cited Brian McLaren of the emerging church movement, who planned for an Islamic Ramadan celebration. And he mentioned Warren's agreement to address the Islamic Society of North America, which "the Department of Justice categorized two years ago as a co-conspirator in financing a foreign terrorist group!"
Another church leader, Tony Campolo, "a proponent of the so-called 'evangelical left' claimed that 'even if' Muslims 'don't convert, they are God's people,'" Schimmel wrote.
"Even more chilling is the fact that over 300 prominent Christian leaders signed a letter issued by the Yale Center for Faith and Culture claiming that world peace is dependent on Muslims and Christians recognizing 'Allah' and 'Yahweh' as the same God. This letter, titled 'Loving God and Neighbor Together,' was written in response to a signed document by 138 Muslim leaders titled 'A Common Word Between Us and You.' McLaren, Warren, Robert Schuller and Bill Hybels were just several of the signatories to this outright betrayal of Christ!" he said.
TBN previously had a conflict over its intolerance for criticism of Islam. It was in 2006 when Hal Lindsey, WND columnist and one of the world's most popular non-fiction authors, clashed with the network because TBN wanted him to soften his views on Muslims. Lindsey refused.
Read more: Van Impe ministry abandons TBN in clash over Islam
Michael, you did an EXCEPTIONAL job on this page and my prayer is that it reaches around the world to inform believers, as well as unbelievers alike, regarding the apostasy and false prophets that are deceiving many and doing so in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ.
ReplyDeleteIt is also my prayer that the Lord will use all of us that are willing to stand up for Jesus AND JVIM and not slack in delivering the "true Gospel of Grace" that our precious Jesus died to give us.
We ARE in the last days and there should be no waivering, remorse or apology from any believer who speaks out against apostates,false prophets or any evil lie that satan is using to come against His chosen people. JVIM has been faithful in delivering the uncompromised Word of God and we all need to pray that regardless of the censorship from TBN, His spirit will make a way for Jack Van Impe to continue to inform the world of this false religion called "chrislam" and those false prophets who are attempting to deceive many.
I applaud you Michael and pray His Spirit will continue to be upon you with many blessings to follow!
Robin Cash