My SPREAKER podcast with "As California Goes," "Learning To Think," and "The Lookout Guy."

August 26, 2011

Week of Hurricane Irene and East Coast Earthquake? Who Cares? 8-26-11

***NOV. 10, 2012 UPDATE (New USGS Earthquake Findings, and Todays' Kentucky Earthquake Felt in NINE States)  ***
 We all should be aware by now, how devastating Hurricane Sandy, and the following nor-easter was to the East Coast and the NE U.S. and inland states as far as the Great Lakes. On Oct. 27th I wrote the following on my facebook page:

"Call me crazy, but since the Virginia earthquake last year, I believe after each heavy rain/storm/hurricane, there will be unusually strong earthquakes within the year following because granite rock breaks and groundwater releasing in previously dry areas as a result of the Aug. 2011 earthquake. Most people don't know, but each heavy storm brings salt water into inland ground water areas along East Coast. Evidence shows that the 2011 quake immediately followed 3 man-made underground explosions as far away as Colorado and up to the eastern U.S. Virginia region. I've researched and written about this already, but no info on the net about dangers of sink-holes after the quake, although there has been numerous reports of unusual sinkholes since then. It seems East Coast is just as dangerous as West Coast now."
Now, here's an AP article summarizing new thoughts and findings from USGS, on how east coast quakes are as I said above, more dangerous (at least population, AND structurally), than the West Coast, followed by today's AP article on the 4.3 Kentucky quake felt in 9 states:

Geologists Find East Coast Quakes Travel Farther

Published: November 6, 2012
— Associated Press
— Data from the 2011 earthquake centered in Virginia shows East Coast tremors can travel much farther and cause damage over larger areas than previously thought, the U.S. Geological Survey said Tuesday.
The agency estimated about one-third of the U.S. population could have felt the magnitude 5.8 tremor centered about 50 miles northwest of Richmond, which would mean more people were affected than any earthquake in U.S. history. Scientists also found the quake that caused more than $200 million in damage triggered landslides at distances four times farther and over an area 20 times larger than research from previous quakes has shown.
"Scientists are confirming with empirical data what more than 50 million people in the eastern U.S. experienced firsthand: this was one powerful earthquake," USGS Director Marcia McNutt said in a news release about the findings presented at the Geological Society of America conference in Charlotte, N.C.
Researchers used landslides to see how far-reaching the shaking from East coast earthquakes could be. The unexpected jolt cracked the Washington Monument in spots and toppled delicate masonry high atop the National Cathedral. The shaking was felt from Georgia to New England.
According to the findings, the farthest landslide from the quake was 150 miles from the epicenter, a greater distance than any other similar-sized earthquake. Previous similar quakes have resulted in landslides no farther than 36 miles from the epicenter.
Additionally, the landslides from the 2011 tremor occurred in an area of about 12,895 square-miles - about the size of the state of Maryland. Previous studies indicated an area of about 580 square-miles - about the size of Houston - from an earthquake of similar magnitude.
"It's just much more dangerous to have an earthquake at that level back on the East Coast than it would be on the West Coast," said Edwin Harp, a USGS scientist and co-author of the study. "If something big happened, although it's much less frequent, it would tend to damage a lot more buildings because they're probably not quite up to the codes that they are in California."
Geologic structure and rock properties on the East Coast allow seismic waves to travel farther without weakening compared with the West Coast, Harp said.
He said equations used to predict ground shaking might need to be revised now that scientists know more about the power of East Coast earthquakes.
The information also will help with building codes as well as emergency preparedness, the USGS said.
While West Coast earthquake veterans scoffed at what they viewed as only a moderate temblor, the August 2011 quake changed the way officials along the East Coast viewed emergency preparedness. Emergency response plans that once focused on hurricanes, tornadoes, flooding and snow are being revised to include quakes.
Some states have enacted laws specifically related to the quake, and there is anecdotal evidence of a spike in insurance coverage for earthquake damage.
U.S. Geological Survey:  Now, here is info on todays' Kentucky earthquake, felt in several surrounding states: 
Map from USGS
4.3 Magnitude Earthquake Reported in Kentucky
WHITESBURG, Kentucky (AP) The U.S. Geological Survey is reporting that an earthquake centered in Kentucky also rattled other nearby states.
The USGS website says the epicenter of the 4.3 magnitude earthquake on Saturday afternoon was about 10 miles (16 kilometers) west of Whitesburg. Residents in nearby Virginia, West Virginia, Tennessee, North Carolina, South Carolina, Indiana, Ohio and Georgia also reported feeling the temblor.
National Weather Service spokesman Jeff Carico says employees at the office in Jackson, which is about 60 miles (100 kilometers) northwest of Whitesburg, felt the ground shake for about 15 seconds. He says the office has gotten numerous calls, but so far no one has reported any serious damage.
USGS geophysicist John Bellini says the quake is considered "light" and isn't expected to cause major damage.

Read more here:

***OCT. 29, 2012 UPDATE*** Hurricane Sandy is 4 hrs away from landfall and that is why I am updating. Here's a link from the USGS explaining how long distant earthquakes effect ground water thousands of miles away: Earthquakes near or far can affect you and the water resources you depend on. For example, the magnitude 9.0 earthquake on the coast of Japan on March 11, 2011, affected water levels and groundwater wells monitored by the USGS all over the United States, in places like Oklahoma, Missouri and even as far as Virginia and Florida. Clik link to read more: And here is the cut/paste of the article in case it disapears from the website: Waves Rippling Through Groundwater
Kara Capelli: Welcome to USGS CoreCast. I'm your host, Kara Capelli. Earthquakes near or far can affect you and the water resources you depend on. For example, the magnitude 9.0 earthquake on the coast of Japan on March 11, 2011, affected water levels and groundwater wells monitored by the USGS all over the United States, in places like Oklahoma, Missouri and even as far as Virginia and Florida.
I spoke with Evelyn Roeloffs, a USGS research geophysicist who has studied the effects of earthquakes on groundwater.
Evelyn Roeloffs: Generally, the main way they affect groundwater is that they cause the ground to expand and contract. And the seismic wave that these earthquakes generate actually cause the ground to expand and contract as they pass by. They can travel around the globe a couple of times actually and be recorded on sensitive seismic instruments. So, when those seismic waves pass through, you can see changes in groundwater levels.
Kara Capelli: Scientists and others have been noticing the effects of earthquakes on groundwater for a long time.
Evelyn Roeloffs: I think one of the neatest examples is from back in about 1952, when it was noticed that in a well in a shoe factory in Milwaukee, the water would slosh up and down every so often. And when they put a float recorder on there, and actually made a continuous record of the water level, they recorded things that actually looked like seismograms. And they saw that those variations were actually caused by seismic waves passing the well.
Kara Capelli: The most common effect on groundwater from earthquakes is an instantaneous water level increase or decrease. Recovery to the pre-earthquake level can be so rapid that no change is even detected. I also asked Evelyn about the effects of earthquakes on groundwater quality and quantity.
Evelyn Roeloffs: The spikes themselves, if you actually measure them quickly enough for actual oscillations, where they're making water move in and out of the aquifer and into the well, that can cause the water to become turbid or taste a little bit funny, which doesn't usually last more than a few days, at the most. Occasionally, it will happen that the groundwater level will go down and stay down or go up and stay up but usually not more than a foot or so.
And so, in the short run it might affect the amount of water you can get, depending on exactly where your pump is. But usually, those changes are small compared to the normal changes during the year associated with rainfall and temperature and stuff like that.
Kara Capelli: Though in general, these spikes have very little noticeable effects, sometimes groundwater very near to the epicenter of an earthquake can be permanently affected.
Evelyn Roeloffs: Closer to the earthquake, the effects can be much more severe. And one thing that has happened a couple of times in the U.S. is that the earthquake shaking shakes the hill up and fractures things a little bit and makes it more permeable, so that if people have domestic wells drilled near the top of the hill, they'll find that the water level in those wells may slowly drop. And then, at the same time, the flows in the streams that are draining the hill will increase.
And those kinds of changes really don't recover. They can result in changes of several feet or tens of feet of water. And so, it may cause a well to need to be deepened or even just abandoned. And this happened after the 1989 Loma Prieta earthquake in California near Santa Cruz. And there is also a case of this happening in Pennsylvania a number of years back.
Kara Capelli: The USGS Groundwater Resources Program monitors groundwater across the U.S. through real-time groundwater monitoring. This data can be found at And don't forget to follow the USGS on Twitter at I'm Kara Capelli for USGS CoreCast, a product of the US Geological Survey, Department of the Interior.

Week of Hurricane Irene and East Coast Earthquake? Who Cares? 8-26-11
Here's a bit of free info. The very thing our Congress and local governments promote are turning against us. The issues and direction our country has legislatively gone is a direction we have never had any business even considering, had we not alowed ourselves to be blindsided by all the temptations of the power and wealth that we wouldn't have had, had it not been for God Himself and our reliance on Him. Our nation's highways, freeways, fences and walls act as physical barriers most wild animals don't cross, or they frequently fail in crossing. The east coast earthquake opened up un-seen areas underground, releasing groundwater into or out of, places where it wasn't or was. Bear, snakes, aligators, racoons, wolves, coyotes, wild-cats, rats, mice, whatever is habitat along the east coast will be shifted. Wall Street is so named literally as a wall to keep wild hogs on the other side, when it was originally built. Walls, streets, fences, many buildings and structures and highways will be powerless to what lies ahead. And wildlife is just one aspect. What about earthquake-damaged buildings and foundations/ What about the Washington Monument? How long can an Egyptian/Roman Catholic penis-God survive in a nation founded on Christianity? Could that be the no.1 target of "mother nature?" Or even God? Are we so foolish to believe God has no business in preventing things, as well as alowing things? I'm not surprised nobody has been told yet. For this to happen to the whole eastern sea board is epic. The last time this happened we didn't have mans barriers to wildlife, or the population and construction we now have, or the Sodom and Gomorha-like government legislation and un-fair financial practices our government now employs, effecting the whole world as well as our own country. Our nation is full of idolotry, adultery, greed, lies, deception and malice. Were it not for some who literally do have a relationship with our Creator, things would most likely be worse. It is in the Christian way to to things honestly, upright and with integrity. But sadly, with all denial aside, it is getting rarer and rarer as each day goes by.
God only knows the changes in the earth what's going to happen with groundwater, sinkholes and buildings damaged from the earthquake, and after the storm. It's very surreal watching from the other side of the country, but personal experience has shown me that God rewards those who diligently seek Him. I'm seeing more personal blessings and individual blessings, and less blessings outside of a relationship with Jesus. Blessings are being whittled away from our nation as a whole, and increasing in individuals. What will become of our country where the blessings are on people who God chooses to personally bless, and takes away/or curses, the nation as a whole? I know. Who cares.
1 Kings 19:10-12
10He replied, “I have been very zealous for the Lord God Almighty. The
Israelites have rejected your covenant, broken down your altars, and put your
prophets to death with the sword. I am the only one left, and now they are
trying to kill me too.”11The Lord said, “Go out and stand on the mountain in the
presence of the Lord, for the Lord is about to pass by.”Then a great and powerful wind tore the mountains apart and
shattered the rocks before the Lord, but the Lord was not in the wind. After the wind there was an earthquake, but the Lord was not in the earthquake. 12After the earthquake came a fire, but the Lord was not in the fire. And after the fire came a gentle whisper...

Romans 1:24-25 Therefore God gave them over in the sinful desires of their hearts to sexual
impurity for the degrading of their bodies with one another. 25. They exchanged the truth of God for a lie, and worshiped and served created things rather than the Creator--who is forever praised. Amen.


  1. Following article relates to the time of the Virginia/Wash. D.C. 2011 quake and the 3 underground explosions within hour apart, that spanned from Colorado, to Wash. D.C. region. At that time, U.S. happened to be working on new bunkerbusting bombs, and I had mentioned somewhere that I believe U.S. destroyed the infamous Colorado government bombshelters to make a new one impervious to the latest most powerful bunkerbusters.

  2. Iranian troops face Israel from Syria. US video shows upgraded bunker buster

    DEBKAfile Special Report May 3, 2013, 3:12 PM (GMT+02:00)

    Tags: Iran, Syria, Hizballah, IDF, bunker-busters,

    Iranian Basij militiamen land in Syria
    Iranian Basij militiamen land in Syria

    US officials recently gave Israel a video demonstration of the new features which enable its biggest bunker buster bomb (Massive Ordnance Penetrator) to destroy Iran’s underground uranium enrichment plant at Fordo near Qom, in a bid to dissuade Israel from a unilateral attack on Iran’s nuclear facilities.
    This is reported by the Wall Street Journal.
    The video displayed the improved bomb, which Israel does not have, as hitting the ground near its target and setting off a massive underground explosion.
    debkafile’s military sources report that this videotaped demonstration was in line with the Obama administration’s latest campaign to convince Israel that the US is getting ready to strike Iran itself.
    In actual fact, the improved American MOP is not news - any more than the Israeli Air Force’s possession of bombs capable of penetrating the Fordo underground plant. This capability has given Israeli officials the confidence to assert that Israel can destroy Iran’s nuclear facilities on its own.
    What Washington has in common with Jerusalem is that while both make no secret of their capabilities – and Israeli leaders are also free with threatening rhetoric - neither is actually exercising them.

    The only parties on the move are Iran and Hizballah.

    At the end of the week, debkafile’s military sources report that both established a military presence in Syria and Lebanon, just across Israel’s two northern borders. An Iranian airlift placed Iranian boots on the ground in Syria for the first time in more than two years of its civil war. It was also the first time Israel had ever seen uniformed Iranian soldiers present at close quarters on the soil of a close neighbor.

    The arrivals are members of the violent Basij volunteer militia which is trained in urban combat tactics for suppressing anti-regime unrest in Iranian cities. They are the first Iranian troops to confront Syrian rebels in combat. Roughly 6,000-8,000 militiamen have arrived so far – a figure comparable to the size of the Hizhballah elite units fighting for Bashar Assad in Syria.

    The Basij militiamen were stationed in Damascus and sent to guard Syrian Shiite border villages situated opposite Hizballah-controlled South Lebanon. This deployment has placed Iranian troops opposite the intersection of the Israeli, Syrian and Lebanese borders.
    Iran’s expanding military intervention in Syria accounts partly for this week’s surprise call-up of thousands of Israeli reservists for duty on the country’s northern borders. Although they were sent home after 24 hours to disguise their mission and calm rising tensions, they were in fact ordered to report back Sunday, May 5. These reservists will then pick up the gear and weapons needed for real combat, and take up positions along Israel’s borders with Syria and Lebanon.
    Sirens blared over parts of the Golan Friday, May 3, their sensors touched off by the preparations for these military movements. The official pretext offered of a “technical glitch” was about as convincing as the Israeli military spokesman’s attempt to deny knowing who sent a drone from Beirut towards Israel on April 25.
    The sirens on the Golan were apparently not loud enough to be heard in Washington and Jerusalem.
