My SPREAKER podcast with "As California Goes," "Learning To Think," and "The Lookout Guy."

October 17, 2013

Syria: The New Road to Damascus

Romans 13:11 And that, knowing the time, that now it is high time to awake out of sleep: for now is our salvation nearer than when we believed.

The following article is from Voice of The Martyrs ministry, (VOM) Oct 7, 2013. And here are some personal photos, one from 1992, and two from my 2nd trip to Syria, 1993. These photos are from my Bible school trips, Calvary Pentecostal tabernacle, which I have been a part of part of since 1993. As well as the prayer requests in the VOM article, please pray for me in my continued travels for the Gospel. Time is short and we need to be busy. I am willing to go. Any questions please message me, and see my bio on main blog page.
1993 in Damascus, Syria. The House of Saint Ananias (also called Chapel of Saint Ananias) (Arabic: كنيسة القديس حنانيا) is the ancient alleged house of Saint Ananias, in the old Christian quarter of Damascus, Syria. It is said by some to be the house where Ananias baptized Saul (who became Paul the Apostle).[1]

1992 Damascus Former President Assad
1992 Damascus, Syria

Syria: The New Road to Damascus
Syrian mother and sonFrom Infidels to Bible People
The war in Syria is one of the greatest crises seen in the Middle East in the last 20 years. It has claimed the lives of more than 100,000 people, both Muslim and Christian. More than 2 million Syrians have fled to neighboring countries. In the midst of this crisis, our persecuted family is boldly reaching out. And the reactions of Muslims have been astonishing.
“When you hear about one Muslim coming to Christ, it’s a great thing, and everybody rejoices,” said a VOM Syrian contact. “Today in Syria I’m not talking about one person. We’re talking about hundreds and even thousands of Muslims coming to know Christ.”
Teams of believers are working in the refugee camps, providing Christ’s love while sharing material aid, such as medical supplies and Bibles, as well as spiritual aid. Christians, widely considered “infidels” in Syria, are now often and affectionately referred to as “the Bible People.”
“This war is like a knife in the heart of the church. No human can stand that suffering. But there is God’s presence. I can see Christ in the midst of darkness.”
— VOM National Contact
Syrian refugeesPlease pray for Christians who face not only the horrific effects of war but also continued persecution. Please also pray for those who are bravely using this opportunity to advance the kingdom.
“God is doing miracles inside the country,” a Christian worker told VOM. “But even if he allows us to die, it will be an honor for us to die for his name, to glorify his name.”
The opportunities for ministry in Syria today exceed what we thought possible. Working with the Syrian church and local workers, VOM continues to distribute material aid, Bibles and Christian literature, and support for pastors and the evangelistic teams. VOM will continually seek ways to increase our efforts.
During this time of crisis and opportunity, VOM invites you to make a special contribution to support this ministry in Syria.
If you are not currently receiving The Voice of the Martyrs’ monthly newsletter, please also request your copy of our November 2013 newsletter highlighting Syria.
Please forward this e-mail to Christian friends who may also want to pray for and support this outreach to the Syrian people.

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