My SPREAKER podcast with "As California Goes," "Learning To Think," and "The Lookout Guy."

April 9, 2014

Bureau Of Land Management (BLM) a British Company? Bunkerville, NV Range War

***UPDATE APRIL 13, 2014*** The BLM still has Snipers, and 200 Agents still IN the Bundy Ranch area, along with the No Fly Zone still is in effect over a 3 mile radius. People report snipers in the bushes at night, and Feds in big black SUVs with blacked out windows watching over the area. As predicted this is far from over.

Exclusive: BLM Claims It Will “Stand Down” In Nevada, Snipers, Agents and No Fly Zone Remain In Place By: Ben Swann

A small victory for liberty activists across the country as the Bureau of Land Management announced Saturday that it would stand down in its operations of rounding up cattle from Nevada rancher Clive Bundy. As we reported, the BLM ended its operation of rounding up Bundy’s cattle after hundreds of protestors rallied to the family’s side. Hundreds more protestors are on the way.
“Due to escalating tensions, the cattle have been released from the enclosures in order to avoid violence and help restore order,” the U.S. Bureau of Land Management said in a short statement after releasing nearly 400 cattle.
What most media won’t tell you however, is that while the BLM has been ordered to stand down, their agents have not been ordered to leave the area around the Bundy ranch. In fact, that is not happening, as those nearly 200 federal agents including snipers have not left the area.
Sources on the ground in Nevada tell, “They spotted night time activity in the hills surrounding the Bundy property. After catching about an hours sleep they awoke to see three snipers skulking in the bush surrounding the camps that people have set up. The people who have been there are not leaving and more are still coming in from all over the US. The airspace over the Bundy ranch has been shut down in a 3 mile, 30,000 feet perimeter so that no private helicopters or planes can fly over to take pictures or survey what the feds are up to.”
It is important to note that the FAA instituted its “no fly zone” over and around the Bundy’s property only hours before the BLM announced it would stand down. The FAA has not lifted the no fly zone and says it will remain in place until May 11, 2014.
Sources go on to say, “So far Federal Agents are still trolling the roads, surveilling the territory and the camps in big black SUVs with blacked out windows. We need more numbers out there. There’s a Federal Express outlet in St. George, Utah on South Airport Rd. If need be get ready to send supplies. If the government decides to shut the roads down to try to contain the numbers of people coming in to take a stand the supply lines could be compromised.”

Bureau Of Land Management (BLM) a British Company? Bunkerville, NV Range War by: Michael D. Tobin April 12, 2014

Showdown currently happening! All live feeds are down, reports are getting very hard to come by. It was reported about 10 minutes ago that the protesters and militia are giving the BLM 30 minutes to disarm and give up the cattle.

BLM is actually a sub-corporation of UNITED STATES INCORPORATED, a private foreign owned off-shore corporation since its last incorporation in 1925, copyrighted, trademarked and registered in Puerto Rico).Under the Reorganization Act of Washington District of Columbia, by it’s own private business charter, neither the BLM, nor any other federal/corporate agency has lawful/legal authority, jurisdiction or
interstate nexus within the 50 state geographical landmass.
BLM, is actually classified as an: “Agent of Foreign Principle”, under the
intergovernmental Personnel Act. In other words, they don’t represent the Constitutional Republic or the interests of the American People but rather, a foreign owned principle i.e., the international banking/military corporate cartel of London City, England known as Crown Corporation as their supreme authority. This has been openly admitted and exposed through Supreme Court cases since
and even before 1938.

(The above paragraph is all over the 'net, but no actual origin of the paragraph itself. But here are two links. One from the Department of Interior, and the next, from the OGE, Office of Governmental Ethics) 

Link to 

History of Interior

Link to, DO-06-031: Intergovernmental Personnel Act (IPA) Summary and pdf file

What is the Militia, who are they, and what is the Militia purpose?

What is a "Militia" ?

The "unorganized" or reserve militia is a legal and lawful part of the armed forces of this nation. It is a military organization recognized by the Second Amendment of the Constitution; Title 10 Section 311 USC; The Dick Act of 1903; The National Defense Act of 1916; and affirmed by numerous court decisions. There is no ambiguity, the "unorganized" citizens militia is not the National Guard or the state "select" militia under the governor, or part of the "organized" armed forces of the federal government. It is literally the entire body of the armed citizenry.
Although the "unorganized" militia can be called up for lawful (Constitutional) purposes, it is not under the direct control of any state or political jurisdiction. It represents the authority and power of the people over the government and stands as the last defense of the citizens of this country against any domestic tyrants.


The purpose of the militia as defined by the Constitution is to:
1. Enforce the laws of the Union (The Constitution)
2. Suppress insurrections
3. Repel invasions
These provisions affirm the right of the people to defend themselves and their republican form of government from all enemies, both foreign and domestic. That means that the people, as the militia have the right to fight, if necessary, oppressive government, to prevent the usurpation of the Constitution (the supreme law of the land) by anyone, including the federal government.
The authority, duty, and obligation of the citizens, acting as the militia, is clearly expressed in our Declaration of Independence: "That whenever any form of government becomes destructive to these ends, it is the right of the people to alter or abolish it..., " further "... it is the right, it is their duty, to throw off such government,..." Together these provisions codify the natural rights of all citizens to defense of self, family, and country.
"The strongest reason for people to retain the right to keep and bear arms is, as a last resort, to protect themselves against tyranny in government." -Thomas Jefferson


Is a Militia a Political Action Group? 

The distinction between a political action group organized to promote Constitutional government and a militia is the military orientation and a political orientation of the latter. Both groups must work together in support of mutual goals. Individuals may participate in both. But, the militia prepare, train, and equip as a response group in fashion of minutemen of Concord and Lexington for the defense of self and community.
Therefore, to be recognized as a militia unit, the organization should adopt a written code of conduct and organization, have a distinctive uniform or method of identification, and implement a training program to fulfill the "well-regulated" disciplinary requirement of the Second Amendment.


With the exception of certain public officials, all able-bodied men and women over the age of 18 and not currently serving in the regular armed forces, and any former member of the regular armed forces, are by law already members of the "unorganized" militia. Law requiring militia participation are no longer enforced. With very few restrictions, membership in the militia must be open to all citizens regardless of race, sex, religion or political affiliation. Units not open to public membership and/or which are organized for any purpose other than the support of Constitutional principals may be considered private armies and are not to be confused with the Constitutional "unorganized" militia.
As a practical matter, every effort should be made to incorporate only citizens of good character in the militia. Those who advocate criminal activity, terrorism, revolution, or a change from our republican form of government should not be tolerated. This implies that militia members should understand the duties and obligations of both citizens and government under our Constitution.



Lots of lies, hypocrisy and un-Constitutional and tyrannical behavior. BLM/FED gov. spent millions of dollars on this botched operation, as they butchered millions of tortoises with the excuse of not enough money to feed them. brutalizing men and women, etc...  

Breaking: Sen. Harry Reid Behind BLM Land Grab of Bundy Ranch

BLM attempted cover-up of Sen. Reid/Chinese gov’t takeover of ranch for solar farm by:Kit Daniels April 11, 2014
The Bureau of Land Management, whose director was Sen. Harry Reid’s (D-Nev.) former senior adviser, has purged documents from its web site stating that the agency wants Nevada rancher Cliven Bundy’s cattle off of the land his family has worked for over 140 years in order to make way for solar panel power stations.
Deleted from but reposted for posterity by the Free Republic, the BLM document entitled “Cattle Trespass Impacts” directly states that Bundy’s cattle “impacts” solar development, more specifically the construction of “utility-scale solar power generation facilities” on “public lands.”
“Non-Governmental Organizations have expressed concern that the regional mitigation strategy for the Dry Lake Solar Energy Zone utilizes Gold Butte as the location for offsite mitigation for impacts from solar development, and that those restoration activities are not durable with the presence of trespass cattle,” the document states.
Federal officials have backed away from a growing confrontation over land rights in Clark County, Nev., citing “serious concern” about the safety of law enforcement officials and private citizens on the front lines of the standoff.
As WND reported, helicopters, four-wheel-drive vehicles and an estimated 200 armed officers of the federal Bureau of Land Management, or BLM, were deployed to the Nevada ranch of Cliven Bundy, while citizen militias rallied to the property, prepared to support the rancher.

The dispute escalated last weekend, when federal authorities began seizing cattle grazing on federal lands adjacent to Bundy’s property in Bunkerville, 80 miles northeast of Las Vegas, charging the rancher has been in violation of a law that aims to protect an endangered desert tortoise. The BLM also says Bundy owes more than $1 million in grazing fees to the federal government.
But now, according to a report by KSNV-TV in Las Vegas, the gathering of cattle has been stopped by the director of the BLM, and Bundy is meeting with Clark County Sheriff Doug Gillespie to discuss a possible solution.
The station reported the following statement, made by Neil Kornze, director of the BLM: “As we have said from the beginning of the gather to remove illegal cattle from federal land consistent with court orders, a safe and peaceful operation is our No. 1 priority. After one week, we have made progress in enforcing two recent court orders to remove the trespass cattle from public lands that belong to all Americans.
“Based on information about conditions on the ground, and in consultation with law enforcement,” Kornze continued, “we have made a decision to conclude the cattle gather because of our serious concern about the safety of employees and members of the public.
“We ask that all parties in the area remain peaceful and law-abiding as the Bureau of Land Management and National Park Service work to end the operation in an orderly manner,” he concluded.
As WND reported, tensions rose Thursday when two men from Utah who had come to join the protest in support of Bundy were detained by federal officials.
Brothers Tyler and Spencer Shillig said they walked through a gated area of land near Overton, Nev., when they were confronted by BLM rangers, according to KTNV-TV in Las Vegas.
Spencer claims he was handcuffed and sustained cuts and scrapes to his head, neck and arms when he was detained. The BLM has stated “public safety is key to this operation’ and it has “minimal law enforcement in place to ensure public safety.”
One of Cliven’s seven sons, Dave Bundy, was taken into custody Sunday after allegedly being roughed up for taking pictures along State Road 170, which has been closed. His camera was confiscated. Another son, Ammon, was tased Wednesday by authorities in a clash with about 50 protesters.
The Washington Free Beacon reported Thursday that the BLM has brought in armed rangers from out of state to assist in security surrounding the Bundy ranch.
Stetsy Bundy Cox, Cliven’s daughter, said the rangers are “almost like a hired gun.”
“Because what they’re supposed to do is they each have a road, and are told to stay on that road, and they’re supposed to keep people off that road, whatever means possible. That’s their job,” she told the Free Beacon. “They don’t even know how many cows have been gathered.”
‘No cow justifies’
Republican Gov. Brian Sandoval decried the federal government’s tactics.
“No cow justifies the atmosphere of intimidation which currently exists nor the limitation of constitutional rights that are sacred to all Nevadans,” Sandoval said. “The BLM needs to reconsider its approach to this matter and act accordingly.”
Sen. Heller, R-Nev., meanwhile said he told BLM Director Neil Kornze that “law-abiding Nevadans must not be penalized by an over-reaching BLM.”

The first segment of the document pulled by the feds from

Another BLM report entitled “Regional Mitigation Strategy for the Dry Lake Solar Energy Zone” (BLM Technical Note 444) reveals that Bundy’s land in question is within the “Dry Lake Solar Energy Zone and surrounding area” which is part of a broad U.S. Department of Energy program for “Solar Energy Development in Six Southwestern States” on land “managed” by BLM.
The second segment of the document pulled by the feds from

Federal officials have backed away from a growing confrontation over land rights in Clark County, Nev., citing “serious concern” about the safety of law enforcement officials and private citizens on the front lines of the standoff.
As WND reported, helicopters, four-wheel-drive vehicles and an estimated 200 armed officers of the federal Bureau of Land Management, or BLM, were deployed to the Nevada ranch of Cliven Bundy, while citizen militias rallied to the property, prepared to support the rancher.

The dispute escalated last weekend, when federal authorities began seizing cattle grazing on federal lands adjacent to Bundy’s property in Bunkerville, 80 miles northeast of Las Vegas, charging the rancher has been in violation of a law that aims to protect an endangered desert tortoise. The BLM also says Bundy owes more than $1 million in grazing fees to the federal government.
But now, according to a report by KSNV-TV in Las Vegas, the gathering of cattle has been stopped by the director of the BLM, and Bundy is meeting with Clark County Sheriff Doug Gillespie to discuss a possible solution.
The station reported the following statement, made by Neil Kornze, director of the BLM: “As we have said from the beginning of the gather to remove illegal cattle from federal land consistent with court orders, a safe and peaceful operation is our No. 1 priority. After one week, we have made progress in enforcing two recent court orders to remove the trespass cattle from public lands that belong to all Americans.
“Based on information about conditions on the ground, and in consultation with law enforcement,” Kornze continued, “we have made a decision to conclude the cattle gather because of our serious concern about the safety of employees and members of the public.
“We ask that all parties in the area remain peaceful and law-abiding as the Bureau of Land Management and National Park Service work to end the operation in an orderly manner,” he concluded.
As WND reported, tensions rose Thursday when two men from Utah who had come to join the protest in support of Bundy were detained by federal officials.
Brothers Tyler and Spencer Shillig said they walked through a gated area of land near Overton, Nev., when they were confronted by BLM rangers, according to KTNV-TV in Las Vegas.
Spencer claims he was handcuffed and sustained cuts and scrapes to his head, neck and arms when he was detained. The BLM has stated “public safety is key to this operation’ and it has “minimal law enforcement in place to ensure public safety.”
One of Cliven’s seven sons, Dave Bundy, was taken into custody Sunday after allegedly being roughed up for taking pictures along State Road 170, which has been closed. His camera was confiscated. Another son, Ammon, was tased Wednesday by authorities in a clash with about 50 protesters.
The Washington Free Beacon reported Thursday that the BLM has brought in armed rangers from out of state to assist in security surrounding the Bundy ranch.
Stetsy Bundy Cox, Cliven’s daughter, said the rangers are “almost like a hired gun.”
“Because what they’re supposed to do is they each have a road, and are told to stay on that road, and they’re supposed to keep people off that road, whatever means possible. That’s their job,” she told the Free Beacon. “They don’t even know how many cows have been gathered.”
‘No cow justifies’
Republican Gov. Brian Sandoval decried the federal government’s tactics.
“No cow justifies the atmosphere of intimidation which currently exists nor the limitation of constitutional rights that are sacred to all Nevadans,” Sandoval said. “The BLM needs to reconsider its approach to this matter and act accordingly.”
Sen. Heller, R-Nev., meanwhile said he told BLM Director Neil Kornze that “law-abiding Nevadans must not be penalized by an over-reaching BLM.”

Screenshot of video of confrontation with Ammon Bundy and other protesters
Sandoval has criticized the federal government’s decision to confine protests to “First Amendment areas.” The move, he said, “tramples upon Nevadans’ fundamental rights under the U.S. Constitution.”
At a town hall meeting this week, Bundy’s sister Margaret Houston said she felt like she was in “a war zone” and “not in the United States,” the London Daily Mail reported.
‘Better have funeral plans’
Sparking outrage, Clark County Commissioner Tom Collins warned that supporters of Bundy planning to come from Utah “better have funeral plans,” according to a Utah county commissioner who said he spoke with Collins.
Darin Bushman, a commissioner in Piute County, Utah, said in a post on his Facebook page that Collins told him “all of us folks from Utah are a bunch of ‘inbred bastards” and if we are to come to [Clark County] to support Cliven Bundy we all ‘better have funeral plans.’”

Clark County Commissioner Tom Collins (
Adding fuel to the growing rhetorical fire, Arizona state Rep. Kelly Townsend said the roundup reminds her of the Tiananmen Square massacre in China.
She is among about three dozen Arizona Republican state legislators who have signed a letter to federal and Nevada officials expressing concern about government heavy-handedness and the restriction of free speech.
The lawmakers say aren’t arguing over whether Bundy has broken laws or violated grazing agreements.
Townsend told the Las Vegas Review-Journal she was shocked after seeing video that showed federal police used a stun gun on one of Bundy’s sons.
“Watching that video last night created a visceral reaction in me,” Townsend said. “It sounds dramatic, but it reminded me of Tiananmen Square. I don’t recognize my country at this point.”
Who is the trespasser?
Cliven Bundy’s son Ammon Bundy told WND this week that federal authorities have not been merely re-locating the cattle but engaging in actions that have killed many of the animals.
“They are flying helicopters over the herd to chase them,” Ammon Bundy said. “It was over 90 degrees here today, and the cattle can’t run very far in this heat before collapsing. This is especially true for the young calves. We have a lot of them being born because it is springtime, and they don’t have the strength to keep up with their mothers when they are running. The cattle then become overheated and die.”

Cliven Bundy
Cliven Bundy, who has said he fears the standoff could turn into another Ruby Ridge or Waco disaster, insists he has been acting within his legal rights.
“I have raised cattle on that land, which is public land for the people of Clark County, all my life. Why I raise cattle there, and why I can raise cattle there, is because I have preemptive rights,” he said, contending that among them is the right to forage.
“Who is the trespasser here?” he asked. “Who is the trespasser on this land? Is the United States trespassing on Clark County, Nevada, land? Or is it Cliven Bundy who is trespassing on Clark County, Nevada, land? Who’s the trespasser?”
In 1992, in a confrontation with members of a militia movement Ruby Ridge, Idaho, federal agents shot an unarmed woman at who was holding an infant in her arms. In Waco, Texas, in 1993, federal and state law enforcement and military engaged in a siege of a compound belonging to the Branch Davidian cult that resulted in the deaths of 76 men, women and children.
Clark County Sheriff Douglas Gillespie has called for both sides to resolve the issue peacefully, telling the Las Vegas Review-Journal “no drop of human blood is worth spilling over any cow.”
Ammon Bundy told WND that his family and others who are defending them believe they have been left unprotected because “the local sheriff has said they are not going to get involved in what is happening, saying this is a BLM issue.”
“This means they are leaving us completely vulnerable, because the BLM are the only side with the weapons and if they decide to use violent force there is nothing we can do.”
Last rancher in the county
Cliven Bundy is the last rancher operating in Clark County, where he’s been grazing his cattle on a 600,000 acre portion of land managed by the BLM called Gold Butte. His family, whose ties to the land go back to the 1880s, has been engaged in a dispute since 1993 with the Bureau of Land Management over long-established cattle-grazing rights.

Tyler and Spencer Shillig were detained Thursday evening by federal authorities (KLAS-TV, Las Vegas)
After years of wrangling in the courts, last week BLM secured a federal court order declaring Bundy’s herd to be “trespass cattle” and began removing the animals.
Since 1998, when it designated Gold Butte home of the protected desert tortoise, Gold Butte has been off-limits to cattle grazing. BLM has insisted it has exhausted all other options to stop citizens who are ignoring federal regulations.
“For more than two decades, cattle have been grazed illegally on public lands in northeast Clark County,” BLM said in a statement. “BLM and (the National Park Service) have made repeated attempts to resolve this matter administratively and judicially. Impoundment of cattle illegally grazing on public lands is an option of last resort.”
The Center for Biological Diversity, an environmentalist group, has praised the federal government for taking action.
“Despite having no legal right to do so, cattle from Bundy’s ranch have continued to graze throughout the Gold Butte area, competing with tortoises for food, hindering the ability of plants to recover from extensive wildfires, trampling rare plants, damaging ancient American Indian cultural sites and threatening the safety of recreationists,” said spokesman Rob Mrowka in a statement.
‘Things got pretty ugly’
Dave Bundy’s aunt, Kay Sessions, told WND that authorities who detained her nephew Sunday gave him a concussion and “stomped him on the ground,” causing kidney problems.

Dave Bundy talks to media about his arrest (Las Vegas Review Journal)
“They hauled him to jail and interrogated him all night before letting him go,” she said. “Before they took him to jail officials left him in a hot vehicle for three hours.”
She explained that he was “trying to get pictures of what government officials are doing and they confiscated his camera and tablet.”
Ammon Bundy said he was with a group of about 50 people “peacefully protesting the removal of the cattle” when “suddenly, 14 units with Rangers came off the mountain – 13 of them were armed ranger vehicles with two rangers per unit.”
He said the protesters went over to see what was in a dump truck, “because we were afraid this might have been a rendering vehicle, and we wanted to know what was in the back of the truck.”
See video of the confrontation with Ammon Bundy and protesters:

The rangers got out of their vehicles and the conflict escalated, he said.
“Things got pretty ugly for awhile. They threw a 65-year-old woman on the ground, they tased me twice and they had dogs out there.”

Federal officials have backed away from a growing confrontation over land rights in Clark County, Nev., citing “serious concern” about the safety of law enforcement officials and private citizens on the front lines of the standoff.
As WND reported, helicopters, four-wheel-drive vehicles and an estimated 200 armed officers of the federal Bureau of Land Management, or BLM, were deployed to the Nevada ranch of Cliven Bundy, while citizen militias rallied to the property, prepared to support the rancher.

The dispute escalated last weekend, when federal authorities began seizing cattle grazing on federal lands adjacent to Bundy’s property in Bunkerville, 80 miles northeast of Las Vegas, charging the rancher has been in violation of a law that aims to protect an endangered desert tortoise. The BLM also says Bundy owes more than $1 million in grazing fees to the federal government.
But now, according to a report by KSNV-TV in Las Vegas, the gathering of cattle has been stopped by the director of the BLM, and Bundy is meeting with Clark County Sheriff Doug Gillespie to discuss a possible solution.
The station reported the following statement, made by Neil Kornze, director of the BLM: “As we have said from the beginning of the gather to remove illegal cattle from federal land consistent with court orders, a safe and peaceful operation is our No. 1 priority. After one week, we have made progress in enforcing two recent court orders to remove the trespass cattle from public lands that belong to all Americans.
“Based on information about conditions on the ground, and in consultation with law enforcement,” Kornze continued, “we have made a decision to conclude the cattle gather because of our serious concern about the safety of employees and members of the public.
“We ask that all parties in the area remain peaceful and law-abiding as the Bureau of Land Management and National Park Service work to end the operation in an orderly manner,” he concluded.
As WND reported, tensions rose Thursday when two men from Utah who had come to join the protest in support of Bundy were detained by federal officials.
Brothers Tyler and Spencer Shillig said they walked through a gated area of land near Overton, Nev., when they were confronted by BLM rangers, according to KTNV-TV in Las Vegas.
Spencer claims he was handcuffed and sustained cuts and scrapes to his head, neck and arms when he was detained. The BLM has stated “public safety is key to this operation’ and it has “minimal law enforcement in place to ensure public safety.”
One of Cliven’s seven sons, Dave Bundy, was taken into custody Sunday after allegedly being roughed up for taking pictures along State Road 170, which has been closed. His camera was confiscated. Another son, Ammon, was tased Wednesday by authorities in a clash with about 50 protesters.
The Washington Free Beacon reported Thursday that the BLM has brought in armed rangers from out of state to assist in security surrounding the Bundy ranch.
Stetsy Bundy Cox, Cliven’s daughter, said the rangers are “almost like a hired gun.”
“Because what they’re supposed to do is they each have a road, and are told to stay on that road, and they’re supposed to keep people off that road, whatever means possible. That’s their job,” she told the Free Beacon. “They don’t even know how many cows have been gathered.”
‘No cow justifies’
Republican Gov. Brian Sandoval decried the federal government’s tactics.
“No cow justifies the atmosphere of intimidation which currently exists nor the limitation of constitutional rights that are sacred to all Nevadans,” Sandoval said. “The BLM needs to reconsider its approach to this matter and act accordingly.”
Sen. Heller, R-Nev., meanwhile said he told BLM Director Neil Kornze that “law-abiding Nevadans must not be penalized by an over-reaching BLM.”

Screenshot of video of confrontation with Ammon Bundy and other protesters
Sandoval has criticized the federal government’s decision to confine protests to “First Amendment areas.” The move, he said, “tramples upon Nevadans’ fundamental rights under the U.S. Constitution.”
At a town hall meeting this week, Bundy’s sister Margaret Houston said she felt like she was in “a war zone” and “not in the United States,” the London Daily Mail reported.
‘Better have funeral plans’
Sparking outrage, Clark County Commissioner Tom Collins warned that supporters of Bundy planning to come from Utah “better have funeral plans,” according to a Utah county commissioner who said he spoke with Collins.
Darin Bushman, a commissioner in Piute County, Utah, said in a post on his Facebook page that Collins told him “all of us folks from Utah are a bunch of ‘inbred bastards” and if we are to come to [Clark County] to support Cliven Bundy we all ‘better have funeral plans.’”

Clark County Commissioner Tom Collins (
Adding fuel to the growing rhetorical fire, Arizona state Rep. Kelly Townsend said the roundup reminds her of the Tiananmen Square massacre in China.
She is among about three dozen Arizona Republican state legislators who have signed a letter to federal and Nevada officials expressing concern about government heavy-handedness and the restriction of free speech.
The lawmakers say aren’t arguing over whether Bundy has broken laws or violated grazing agreements.
Townsend told the Las Vegas Review-Journal she was shocked after seeing video that showed federal police used a stun gun on one of Bundy’s sons.
“Watching that video last night created a visceral reaction in me,” Townsend said. “It sounds dramatic, but it reminded me of Tiananmen Square. I don’t recognize my country at this point.”
Who is the trespasser?
Cliven Bundy’s son Ammon Bundy told WND this week that federal authorities have not been merely re-locating the cattle but engaging in actions that have killed many of the animals.
“They are flying helicopters over the herd to chase them,” Ammon Bundy said. “It was over 90 degrees here today, and the cattle can’t run very far in this heat before collapsing. This is especially true for the young calves. We have a lot of them being born because it is springtime, and they don’t have the strength to keep up with their mothers when they are running. The cattle then become overheated and die.”

Cliven Bundy
Cliven Bundy, who has said he fears the standoff could turn into another Ruby Ridge or Waco disaster, insists he has been acting within his legal rights.
“I have raised cattle on that land, which is public land for the people of Clark County, all my life. Why I raise cattle there, and why I can raise cattle there, is because I have preemptive rights,” he said, contending that among them is the right to forage.
“Who is the trespasser here?” he asked. “Who is the trespasser on this land? Is the United States trespassing on Clark County, Nevada, land? Or is it Cliven Bundy who is trespassing on Clark County, Nevada, land? Who’s the trespasser?”
In 1992, in a confrontation with members of a militia movement Ruby Ridge, Idaho, federal agents shot an unarmed woman at who was holding an infant in her arms. In Waco, Texas, in 1993, federal and state law enforcement and military engaged in a siege of a compound belonging to the Branch Davidian cult that resulted in the deaths of 76 men, women and children.
Clark County Sheriff Douglas Gillespie has called for both sides to resolve the issue peacefully, telling the Las Vegas Review-Journal “no drop of human blood is worth spilling over any cow.”
Ammon Bundy told WND that his family and others who are defending them believe they have been left unprotected because “the local sheriff has said they are not going to get involved in what is happening, saying this is a BLM issue.”
“This means they are leaving us completely vulnerable, because the BLM are the only side with the weapons and if they decide to use violent force there is nothing we can do.”
Last rancher in the county
Cliven Bundy is the last rancher operating in Clark County, where he’s been grazing his cattle on a 600,000 acre portion of land managed by the BLM called Gold Butte. His family, whose ties to the land go back to the 1880s, has been engaged in a dispute since 1993 with the Bureau of Land Management over long-established cattle-grazing rights.

Tyler and Spencer Shillig were detained Thursday evening by federal authorities (KLAS-TV, Las Vegas)
After years of wrangling in the courts, last week BLM secured a federal court order declaring Bundy’s herd to be “trespass cattle” and began removing the animals.
Since 1998, when it designated Gold Butte home of the protected desert tortoise, Gold Butte has been off-limits to cattle grazing. BLM has insisted it has exhausted all other options to stop citizens who are ignoring federal regulations.
“For more than two decades, cattle have been grazed illegally on public lands in northeast Clark County,” BLM said in a statement. “BLM and (the National Park Service) have made repeated attempts to resolve this matter administratively and judicially. Impoundment of cattle illegally grazing on public lands is an option of last resort.”
The Center for Biological Diversity, an environmentalist group, has praised the federal government for taking action.
“Despite having no legal right to do so, cattle from Bundy’s ranch have continued to graze throughout the Gold Butte area, competing with tortoises for food, hindering the ability of plants to recover from extensive wildfires, trampling rare plants, damaging ancient American Indian cultural sites and threatening the safety of recreationists,” said spokesman Rob Mrowka in a statement.
‘Things got pretty ugly’
Dave Bundy’s aunt, Kay Sessions, told WND that authorities who detained her nephew Sunday gave him a concussion and “stomped him on the ground,” causing kidney problems.

Dave Bundy talks to media about his arrest (Las Vegas Review Journal)
“They hauled him to jail and interrogated him all night before letting him go,” she said. “Before they took him to jail officials left him in a hot vehicle for three hours.”
She explained that he was “trying to get pictures of what government officials are doing and they confiscated his camera and tablet.”
Ammon Bundy said he was with a group of about 50 people “peacefully protesting the removal of the cattle” when “suddenly, 14 units with Rangers came off the mountain – 13 of them were armed ranger vehicles with two rangers per unit.”
He said the protesters went over to see what was in a dump truck, “because we were afraid this might have been a rendering vehicle, and we wanted to know what was in the back of the truck.”
See video of the confrontation with Ammon Bundy and protesters:

The rangers got out of their vehicles and the conflict escalated, he said.
“Things got pretty ugly for awhile. They threw a 65-year-old woman on the ground, they tased me twice and they had dogs out there.”


“In 2012, the BLM and the U.S. Department of Energy published the Final Programmatic Environmental Impact Statement (PEIS) for Solar Energy Development in Six Southwestern States,” the report reads. “The Final Solar Programmatic Environmental Impact Statement assessed the impact of utility-scale solar energy development on public lands in the six southwestern states of Arizona, California, Colorado, Nevada, New Mexico, and Utah.”
Dry Lake Solar Energy Zone and surrounding area (Click to enlarge.)
Dry Lake Solar Energy Zone and surrounding area (Click to enlarge.)
“The Approved Resource Management Plan Amendments/Record of Decision (ROD) for Solar Energy Development in Six Southwestern States implemented a comprehensive solar energy program for public lands in those states and incorporated land use allocations and programmatic and SEZ-specific design features into land use plans in the six-state study area.”
Back in 2012, the New American reported that Harry Reid’s son, Rory Reid, was the chief representative for a Chinese energy firm planning to build a $5-billion solar plant on public land in Laughlin, Nevada.
And journalist Marcus Stern with Reuters also reported that Sen. Reid was heavily involved in the deal as well.
“[Reid] and his oldest son, Rory, are both involved in an effort by a Chinese energy giant, ENN Energy Group, to build a $5 billion solar farm and panel manufacturing plant in the southern Nevada desert,” he wrote. “Reid has been one of the project’s most prominent advocates, helping recruit the company during a 2011 trip to China and applying his political muscle on behalf of the project in Nevada.”
“His son, a lawyer with a prominent Las Vegas firm that is representing ENN, helped it locate a 9,000-acre (3,600-hectare) desert site that it is buying well below appraised value from Clark County, where Rory Reid formerly chaired the county commission.”
Although these reports are in plain view, the mainstream media has so far ignored this link.
The BLM’s official reason for encircling the Bundy family with sniper teams and helicopters was to protect the endangered desert tortoise, which the agency has previously been killing in mass due to “budget constraints.”
“A tortoise isn’t the reason why BLM is harassing a 67 year-old rancher; they want his land,” journalist Dana Loesch wrote. “The tortoise wasn’t of concern when [U.S. Senator] Harry Reid worked with BLM to literally change the boundaries of the tortoise’s habitat to accommodate the development of his top donor, Harvey Whittemore.”
“Reid is accused of using the new BLM chief as a puppet to control Nevada land (already over 84% of which is owned by the federal government) and pay back special interests,” she added. “BLM has proven that they’ve a situational concern for the desert tortoise as they’ve had no problem waiving their rules concerning wind or solar power development. Clearly these developments have vastly affected a tortoise habitat more than a century-old, quasi-homesteading grazing area.”
“If only Cliven Bundy were a big Reid donor.”
Update: The Drudge Report, the #1 news aggregate site in the world, has now picked up this story. Unfortunately for the BLM, the documents they wanted to delete are now exposed for the world to see.
Update #2: ENN Energy Group describes itself as a “privately-owned clean energy distributor in China.” However, as the People’s Republic of China is a single-party state governed by the Communist Party, all large companies in China, one way or the other, are either controlled or are heavily influenced by the Chinese government.
Infowars reporter David Knight confronts the Clark County Sheriff’s Office about this land grab – WARNING some strong language:

***NOTE*** As far as videos, go to infowars website, as my blogsite has made it impossible to load pics and videos the proper way. I was fortunate to be able to copy/paste pics, which was not previously possible, and videos are currently Impossible to add here. And keep this blog for the links provided as future reference. Sorry for all the advertisement pop-ups on the beforeitsnews site. Because information is crucial, trivial pop-ups are insignificant.

Nevada/Feds Beating Women & Ranchers Range War by: Michael D. Tobin April 9, 2014

This is all I got. I've provided plenty of links to keep you going on the progress of this travesty.

The cattle are dying and being slaughtered and buried in the desert by federal Agents... The protesters tried to stop a convoy of trucks and backhoes coming off of the PRIVATE land owned by the Bundy's, so they could be inspected by a sheriff ... The agents then started tazing the protesters and throwing women to the ground ... Video will be up soon ....  (For Current Photos and Videos see these two facebook links.) 

Frank Martinez's photo.

Bundy Ranch Protesters Force Feds To Stand Down: Prevent Cliven Bundy’s Son From Being Arrested

(This video was wiped off of youtube one day after posted but beforeitsnews mirrored it and is safe on their site to view now without being censored.)

Wednesday, April 9, 2014 11:06 select this link to see Bundy Ranch Protesters Force Feds To Stand Down: Prevent Cliven Bundy’s Son From Being Arrested
by Guerilla Girl Ashley The Pete Santilli Show & The Guerilla Media Network
We at Guerrilla Media Network have been telling our listeners for the past two yrs, that all it’s going to take to get our republic back is for the good people of America to stand up to the feds and tell them to back off. The Feds are just your typical bully, and once you stand up to them and punch them in the mouth they will back down. Please watch this very powerful video that shows maybe 15-20 protesters confronting the feds, and forcing them to tuck their tail between there legs and flee, just like the cowards that they are.

BUNKERVILLE — A cheer erupted from the cowboy-hatted crowd early Monday afternoon as Cliven Bundy’s youngest daughter delivered the news: Davey had been set free.
“They gave him lunch and let him out,” Stetsy Cox, 21, told the assembled group of relatives and sympathizers at a rally for the embattled ranch family near the banks of the Virgin River.
In downtown Las Vegas a short time later, Dave Bundy spoke to the media about his arrest the day before in the federal roundup of his father’s cattle from public land 80 miles northeast of Las Vegas.
The 37-year-old said heavily armed federal agents roughed him up and arrested him for exercising his constitutional rights on a state highway in northeast Clark County on Sunday.
“They got on their loudspeaker and said that everyone needed to leave,” Dave Bundy said during an impromptu news conference alongside his father outside a 7-Eleven on Las Vegas Boulevard. “I stood there and continued to express my First Amendment right to protest, and they approached me and said that if I didn’t leave, they’d arrest me.”
The younger Bundy said he was taking photographs and protesting peacefully at the time.
Natalie Collins, a spokeswoman for the Nevada U.S. attorney’s office, said Bundy was cited on misdemeanor charges of “refusing to disperse” and resisting arrest.
Earlier, BLM spokeswoman Kirsten Cannon said Bundy was taken into custody to “protect public safety and maintain the peace.”
“The Bureau of Land Management and National Park Service support the public’s right to express opinions peacefully and lawfully. However, if an individual threatens, intimidates or assaults another individual or impedes the impoundment, they may be arrested in accordance with local, state or Federal laws,” Cannon said in a statement.
Cliven Bundy viewed his son’s arrest differently.
“What’s happening is they had stole cattle from me, and now they have taken their prisoner,” the father said. “Davey is a political prisoner. That’s what you want to call him — he’s a political prisoner.”
That sentiment appeared on several handmade protest signs at Monday’s rally, which drew more than 100 people to a tract of private ranch land next to the Riverside bridge on state Route 170.
The crowd gathered in response to an announcement Cliven Bundy sent Sunday night, after his son’s arrest, promising a range war and inviting the press to come cover it.
But Monday’s event wound up looking more like a barn-raising.
After a prayer and some speeches, the group walked up a nearby hill and gathered along the highway on land owned by one of Bundy’s neighbors. There they erected two 50-foot flag poles topped with metal script letters reading “We the People” and strung with a huge banner, the American flag and the flags of Nevada and Clark County.
They plan to use this spot as a rallying point for daily protests.
As they worked, cattle trucks escorted by BLM patrol vehicles kicked up dust along dirt roads in the distance.
Federal agents and contract cowboys — both on the ground and in the air, with at least one helicopter — expected to spend the next month or so rounding up Bundy’s herd, which could include more than 900 animals scattered over a remote, 90-mile swath of mountains and desert south of Mesquite.
The BLM and the National Park Service have closed off public access to almost 600,000 acres of federal land for the roundup.
Bundy considers much of that public land to use as he sees fit, but the BLM canceled his federal grazing permit 20 years ago after the rancher refused to accept new land-use rules for protecting the threatened desert tortoise and stopped paying his fees.
In the decades since, Bundy has challenged or ignored repeated directives from the government to remove his livestock from public land.
Two federal court orders issued within the last year authorized authorities to impound the “trespass cattle.”
The operation got underway Saturday morning and brought in 234 head of cattle through Monday.
Dave Bundy showed a Review-Journal reporter his scratched face and swollen, scraped hands while describing his arrest.
“Without any further questions, two rangers surrounded and a third one approached me, and they all jumped me, pulling different directions. And then a couple other guys jumped in, and they took me to the ground,” Dave Bundy said.
He said, “One ranger had had his knee on my spine, and the other one was on my head with his knee on the side of my head and his other knee on the back of my neck.”
Dave Bundy maintains his arrest was improper because he was standing along the side of Route 170 in a state right-of-way. BLM officials said the right-of-way is under their jurisdiction and within an area their agency had closed to the public.
When asked about Dave Bundy’s allegations of mistreatment, federal officials pointed to the charges for which he was cited, including resisting arrest.
Cliven Bundy was in Las Vegas early Monday to meet with Clark County Sheriff Doug Gillespie, but it had nothing to do with his son’s arrest. Gillespie said their meeting was arranged on Saturday.
Bundy wanted contact information for Metro supervisors in his area, Gillespie said, and the sheriff provided him the information. But Gillespie reiterated that the Metropolitan Police Department has no plans to involve itself in the roundup.
“This is strictly a federal operation,” he said.
In a statement released Monday, the Nevada Cattlemen’s Association also distanced itself from Bundy and his livestock, noting that it supports effective range management and cooperation among agencies to balance ranching and the conservation of wildlife.
Though “sensitive and concerned how the Bundy cattle confiscation situation has evolved,” association leaders want no part of the dispute between the rancher and the federal courts.
“Nevada Cattlemen’s Association does not feel it is in our best interest to interfere in the process of adjudication in this matter,” the association said.
Back at the rally, Bundy’s immediate family members served Sloppy Joes for lunch and supplied their supporters with cold drinks and popsicles. No firearms were spotted in the crowd.
Margaret Houston, Cliven Bundy’s younger sister, drove up from Logandale, at the southern edge of the temporary closure area, to take part in the protest. She said she hates to see the federal land outside her back door closed to the public while her family’s livelihood is gathered up and trucked away.
“I grew up on this ranch. This is what we knew,” she said. “It’s got nothing to do with the cattle and the tortoises. It’s about taking our rights — power — and it’s wrong.”
A few miles up the road, a “First Amendment Area” the BLM set up for rallies like this stood empty, save for a few signs attached to the outside of the orange plastic pen.
One of them read: “1st Amendment is not an area.”
As for Dave Bundy, he was kept at the Henderson Detention Center overnight, then released late Monday morning with his misdemeanor tickets in hand.
“They came in, wrote these citations, gave me a sack lunch and turned me loose,” he said.
Inside the sack he found a tuna sandwich.
“It wasn’t poison, I just ate it.”
Review-Journal writers Jeff German and Mike Blasky and photojournalist John Locher contributed to this report.

From his daughter: By SHIREE BUNDY COX: I have had people ask me to explain my dad's stance on this BLM fight. Here it is in as simple of terms as I can explain it. There is so much to it, but here it s in a nut shell. My great grandpa bought the rights to the Bunkerville allotment back in 1887 around there. Then he sold them to my grandpa who then turned them over to my dad in 1972. These men bought and paid for their rights to the range and also built waters, fences and roads to assure the servival of their cattle, all with their own money, not with tax dollars. These rights to the land use is called preemptive rights. Some where down the line, to keep the cows from over grazing, came the bureau of land management. They were supposed to assist the ranchers in the management of their ranges while the ranchers paid a yearly allotment which was to be use to pay the BLM wages and to help with repairs and improvements of the ranches. My dad did pay his grazing fees for years to the BLM until they were no longer using his fees to help him and to improve. Instead they began using these money's against the ranchers. They bought all the rest of the ranchers in the area out with they're own grazing fees. When they offered to buy my dad out for a pentence he said no thanks and then fired them because they weren't doing their job. He quit paying the BLM but, tried giving his grazing fees to the county, which they turned down. So my dad just went on running his ranch and making his own improvements with his own equipment and his own money, not taxes. In essence the BLM was managing my dad out of business. Well when buying him out didn't work, they used the indangered species card. You've already heard about the desert tortis. Well that didn't work either, so then began the threats and the court orders, which my dad has proven to be unlawful for all these years. Now their desperate. It's come down to buying the brand inspector off and threatening the County Sheriff. Everything their doing at this point is illegal and totally against the constitution of the United States of America. Now you may be saying," how sad, but what does this have to do with me?" Well, I'll tell you. They will get rid of Cliven Bundy, the last man standing on the Bunkerville allotment and then they will close all the roads so no one can ever go on it again. Next, it's Utah's turn. Mark my words, Utah is next.
Then there's the issue of the cattle that are at this moment being stolen. See even if dad hasn't paid them, those cattle do belong to him. Regardless where they are they are my fathers property. His herd has been part of that range for over a hundred years, long before the BLM even exsisted. Now the Feds think they can just come in and remove them and sell them without a legal brand inspection or without my dad's signature on it. They think they can take them over two boarders, which is illegal, ask any trucker. Then they plan to take them to the Richfield Auction and sell them. All with our tax money. They have paid off the contract cowboys and the auction owner as well as the Nevada brand inspector with our tax dollars. See how slick they are?

Posted by: Greg Wilson:

NEVADA ALERT Nevada Militia is mobilizing and requesting mutual aid if any Winter Soldier wishes to go no further permission is needed you may do as you wish. We will be monitoring the situation at this time as a group. (shared by Dawn Appelberg) is contact for any wanting to aid Nevada Militia. 717-682-8073 (shared by John G Aichs). If things esculate we will mobilize as a group as per Cmndr Davis.


Attorney General, State on Nevada
Catherine Cortez Masto
Office of the Attorney General
100 North Carson Street Carson City, NV 89701 Telephone: 775-­‐684-­‐1100

Nevada Governor Brian Sandoval
State Capitol Building 101 N. Carson Street Carson City, NV 89701
Phone: (775) 684-­‐5670 ...

Nevada Department of Agriculture Jim R Barbee – Director
405 South 21st Street Sparks, NV 89431
Phone: (775) 353-­‐3601

Nevada Animal Industry/Brand Inspection
Flint Wright, Administrator 405 South 21st Street Sparks, NV 89431
Phone: (775) 353-­‐3708 Email:

Clark County Sheriff Douglas Gillespie
Las Vegas, Nevada 89106
(702) 828-­‐3231
Clark County Commissioner Tom Collin
Phone: 702-455-3500

'R' Livestock
(The Auction that has a 300,000 contract to sale the stolen cattle)

435-979-9937 (Cell) 435-527-4226 (Office)

A message to BLM from Nevada's Governor #Nevada Tina Hopkins CorneliusAMERICAN ARMED Posse to SAVE FREEDOM and The Bundy Ranch
1 hour ago
calls are working. update Las Vegas, NV - April 08, 2014
Governor Brian Sandoval made the following s...tatement today:
“Due to the roundup by the BLM, my office has received numerous complaints of BLM conduct, road closures and other disturbances. I have recently met with state legislators, county officials and concerned citizens to listen to their concerns.
“I have expressed those concerns directly to the BLM. Most disturbing to me is the BLM’s establishment of a ‘First Amendment Area’ that tramples upon Nevadans’ fundamental rights under the U.S. Constitution.
“To that end, I have advised the BLM that such conduct is offensive to me and countless others and that the ‘First Amendment Area’ should be dismantled immediately.
“No cow justifies the atmosphere of intimidation which currently exists nor the limitation of constitutional rights that are sacred to all Nevadans.
“The BLM needs to reconsider its approach to this matter and act accordingly.”

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