My SPREAKER podcast with "As California Goes," "Learning To Think," and "The Lookout Guy."

September 7, 2014

Christianity in U.K and the U.S.A., ISIS Recruitment

 One of the hardest compilations of my thoughts yet. I hope you can appreciate the content.

 In a Sep 6 FOX interview, the subject was concerning British and American society, "Decline in Christian Values Fueling ISIS Recruitment?" Well, the subject quickly changed to multiculturalism, of course, and you can just use your imagination of all the same arguments being hashed out on twitter, facebook and all the mainstream media and independent news sources. But the following sources below will deal with some important things to consider, which is what the Christian Values question was actually a confirmation of the below articles' question I read a day or two before. 

  Also a couple days ago, Q #2 in this link to a Sep. 4, 2014 blog by David Rubin, ( 

Beheadings: Learning from the Founder of Islam )

  question number 2 of 3 q's the author puts forth, immediately caused a thought, which is that parents who are first generation Christian don't always produce the strength in their children needed to be stronger second generation Christians. Here is Rubin's q   (2. How does someone who grew up in the freedom of the USA or UK choose to become an active member of such a radical Islamic group?) 

  Well, let me cut to the chase and refer you to American Christianity, so we can see the crux of the matter, because we've all heard that politics is not going to help our success, and is not the ultimate say on our future. The future is in the hands of God, and our personal relationship with our Creator determines how we treat the earth, humanity, society and our personal selves. 

  One of the interesting things about AW Tozer is that he covered Christianity from at least 1920 until he died in 1963. He was born in 1897 which would make him 3 yrs old in 1900. But I can't read his commentary without thinking about today's church and society, and then be surprised that he was actually describing the church in the days that we think it was a better day. But when WAS a better day? if you read the Bible, you'll see in the Old Testament and New Testament, that the writers were describing the same mentalities then, as are prevalent now. I leave you with an AW Tozer devotional and a final thought of mine: Our satisfaction with the church of the day has never been adequate, from today, all the way back into the Gospels and Epistles. We have never been satisfied with what we've seen in the church. And that is because Christianity as a religion is doomed to failure along with all the rest. But Christianity as a personal relationship is the true picture of success. The same challenge has always been this: John 3:19,20  19This is the verdict: Light has come into the world, but people loved darkness instead of light because their deeds were evil. 20Everyone who does evil hates the light, and will not come into the light for fear that their deeds will be exposed. 21But whoever lives by the truth comes into the light, so that it may be seen plainly that what they have done has been done in the sight of God.

AW Tozer Devotional: A Lower Level
O God, thou hast taught me from my youth: and hitherto have I declared thy wondrous works. Psalm 71:17
There are leaders and there are churches within the Christianity of our day who will surely answer for their failure to apply the disciplines of the New Testament to the present generation of young people.

Much of Christianity today does not hold to the necessity for disciplines in the Christian life. If we have any of God’s concerns in our hearts, we must grieve over the lack of spirituality in the lives of great segments of professing Christian young people. It is not my calling to assess blame. It is part of my Christian calling to proclaim the fact that no one, young or old, hasthe right to come to Jesus Christ and stake out their own conditions and terms.

Segments of Christianity have made every possible concession in efforts to win young people to Christ; but instead of converting them to Christ, they have “converted” Christianity to them. Too often they have come down to the modern level—playing, teasing, coaxing and entertaining. In essence, they have been saying to them, “We will do everything as you want it,” instead of giving them Christ’s insistent word, “Take up your cross!”

O Lord, our young people are the future members and leaders of our churches. To the degree that we teach them the ways of the Lord, they will either be vibrant or weak believers. Lord, don’t let us forsake our youth!

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