My SPREAKER podcast with "As California Goes," "Learning To Think," and "The Lookout Guy."

March 6, 2016

Donald Trump & Hillary Clinton Royal Presidential Bloodline Cousins?

Donald Trump & Hillary Clinton Royal Presidential Bloodline Cousins? By: Michael D. Tobin March 6, 2016

  Every 4 years as far back as I remember from the Reagan years when I first began following politics when I was 16 years old, mainstream articles pop up reminding us of Presidential royal bloodlines. This story was the last straw for this year's elections candidates:( )
  I've been wondering why I haven't seen anything about Donald Trump's bloodline, so I finally got in gear and did a little search, and came up with the following. As far as this above linked article claiming 'ALL' Presidents, it turns out the second of the articles below put that notion to rest: "...with the exception of Martin Van Buren, all U.S. Commanders in Chief — including current President Barack Obama — were descendants of a medieval English king." - JILIAN FAMA from article, "Outrageously Bizarre Facts about U.S. Presidents" But the Atlantean Conspiracy link above in the parenthesis very specifically mentioned the most royal English AND French bloodlines as well. And that article is from 2013, before Trump was involved as he is now. So What about Van Buren? Was he French? How did he rate to break any pattern? Or he didn't fit the English, but did he in fact fir the French connection? I don't know. Someone else can look that up. But it seems that many have reasons for just why both major sides of the American party system are vehemently against Donald Trump in particular. And that, partly, is what fueled my interest to check if Trump is actually "one of the guys." According to others' researches, it appears he is a sibling of sorts. So why all the malice and slander? I'll leave that to other writers as well. Enjoy.

It Turns out Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump Are Distant Cousins
John Vibes
September 3, 2015
(ANTIMEDIA) Author A.J. Jacobs and a team of researchers with genealogy web sites and have recently developed a family tree showing that Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump are distant cousins. They share royal blood that runs deep in their family lines.
Jacobs told Extra in a recent interview that “Their 19th great grandfather is King Edward III so there is precedent for ruling a country, it’s in their genes.”
The family tree, which can be seen and verified below (courtesy of, is comprised of a long line of aristocracy on both ends.
When you take a close look at how global events have progressed over the ages, you will find that many of the families who dominate politics and economics today have bloodlines that trace back to the feudal lords of the Middle Ages. In Middle Eastern and third world countries, this is painfully obvious because there are still royal dynasties that openly claim it is their birthright to rule over their country. While in the West the aristocrats are a bit less open, the same principle still applies.
For example, according to British genealogy researchers Burkes 
Peerage, most of the presidents in American history have been connected to a select few royal bloodlines.
In the election of 2004, George Bush and John Kerry were the options for U.S. president, but both candidates were distant cousins to the Queen of England. They even belonged to the same secret society at Yale University, the morbidly named Skull and Bones fraternity.
A young girl recently made the royal connections famous when her science fair project concluded that with the exception of Martin Van Buren, all U.S. Commanders in Chief — including current President Barack Obama — were descendants of a medieval English king.

This article (It Turns out Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump Are Distant Cousins ) is free and open source. You have permission to republish this article under a Creative Commons license with attribution to John Vibes and theAntiMedia.orgAnti-Media Radio airs weeknights at 11pm Eastern/8pm Pacific. If you spot a typo,

Outrageously Bizarre Facts about U.S. Presidents

Aug. 8, 2012     
Bush, Kerry, and Hefner All Distant Cousins

(Following is an excerpt from this article. Clik above link for complete article)
Extremely coincidentally, President George W. Bush and Sen. John Kerry are very distantly related. They are ninth cousins, twice removed. The two politically astute and well educated men may have different political ideologies, but their love for their country and politics sheds light on a cousinly bond.
But they have another mutually distant cousin who doesn't quite fit that mould.
Playboy founder Hugh Hefner is the ninth cousin of both men. Hef is twice removed from George W., and Hefner is a slightly closer relation to Kerry, being only once removed.
When asked about his relation to the two politicians, wild child Heffner said, "Well I feel closer to Senator Kerry."
"You know I'm an 11th generation direct descendent of William Bradford, who came over on the Mayflower, a direct descendent of a Puritan," Hefner continued proudly, finding no irony in the fact. "I suppose that it is not a big surprise, but it is certainly unique to be a relation to both candidates."
"I would be delighted to invite both President Bush and Senator Kerry for a family reunion," the playboy added facetiously, laughing to himself.

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