Lookout Guy MLKJr Day Dream Come True 2020
By: Michael D Tobin
January 20, 2020
Happy MLKJr Day! And thank you for visiting my blog and various platforms throughout the years! Man I got some cool outtakes after the MLKJr speech on here. It turns out that youtube didn't migrate my podcast. They must've taken umbrage over a couple things. That's okay. Here's my podcast link:

Lookout Guy MLKJr Day 2020
From: Michael D T The Lookout Guy LINK:
AUDIO FREE DOWNLOADS: LookoutGuy MLKJr Day 2020 From: Michael D T The Lookout GuyWow I got the chills here in warmy California listening to this. I used a clip from lady evangelist, Theresa Hogan (wife of Pastor Bobby Hogan,) a bit from Sarah Palin on a Trump GOP Primary visit here in San Diego back in 2016, and a couple of my own rants. Looking forward to a continuation compilation. This one went pretty well. I'm still mastering the track volume levels though it was all peachy until the outro. Internet is not as accurate as analogue radio station needles, cassettes and lp mixing levels used to be, unless the process is done all digitally. And soon I will have some youngster media samurai doing my production but not before I can at least have an intelligent input from my own experience I gather between physical and mental recuperation and my weeks of working for 'the man' punching the time clock. Please share if you will. The Lord spoke to my heart some time ago to "cast my net to the other side" and it seems social media and physical interaction with the fellowship of the brethren as I know it, currently isn't doing a tad bit of good for now. One can only "build on another's foundation" for so long before acting on their own visions, so I have no idea how much longer I will be hovering around my facebook page, trying to trick myself into believing my friends see value in how I'm pursuing the vision the Lord has given me. Eventually this eagle is going to soar and all I'll be doing is what eagles do but remembering the few who showed some interest as I show interest everywhere I've ever been and go. I'm trying to be polite. I can appreciate supporting the gargantuas like Billy Graham, Franklin Graham and all the superstars with all the neat things they have to opine on, along with clever news headlines we have a love-hate relationship with, that sometimes borders on Stockholm Syndrome, but if we don't look out for each other then we're nothing but a bunch of celebrity hounds and marketing targets waiting for permission simply to be able to open our mouths. You know I've been a Billy Graham disaster response chaplain since 2003, and of all the times I could have scrambled for a photo op with Franklin Graham it just wasn't the priority? I'd like to meet the guy some day but it's just not what the main focus is. We've got the same commission as them so let's not be timid. If you have something to say or a common friend such as myself has something to say then help a real brother you actually know and do me a solid with a shout-out and a share. It's really not much to ask for. And if you have something to say then say it without using a newspaper or some celebrity preacher to validate what's on your own heart. I try to be the example as well, and attach original sources from friends on many things I share. I find most of my friends are on top of things before the talking heads get in on things. It isn't hard to do. I say this a lot. If someone owes you money and all you have to do is claim it. By God you better bet your bottom you'll figure out how to get it. And who waits for their favorite evangelist to tell them to take out the trash? Just do it! It's a matter of priority and exercising priority speaks pretty loud. Or it's supposed to.
My podcasts are now on Spreaker, Spotify, Podcast Addict, and more will be following soon. Would you please consider supporting my blog and web-based audio/video pursuit? My broadcasting days began in 1989, as I was a deejay, Prod. Mgr and News Director with then, WPES in Ashland, VA, from 1989-94. I did it all for FREE-volunteer, while in Bible school! I desire to respond FULL-TIME to disaster sites sharing the love of Jesus at hurricane, tornado, fires and other disasters as a Billy Graham Rapid Response Team chaplain, as I've responded several times since 2003, and for my goal for being on the highest tier-levels on Spreaker and PodBean, to broadcast from future locations and missions trips stateside and abroad. I just had to cancel my subscription to my previous Spreaker podcasting platform and am now on a lesser tier, until I can gain listener support and be full-time boots on the ground to cover California and the world, with the Gospel and events as a watchman on the wall ( Isaiah 21: 6-8 6 Meanwhile, the Lord said to me, “Put a watchman on the city wall. Let him shout out what he sees. 7 He should look for chariots drawn by pairs of horses, and for riders on donkeys and camels. Let the watchman be fully alert.” 8. Then the watchman called out, “Day after day I have stood on the watchtower, my lord. Night after night I have remained at my post.) My pursuit is to have various LIVE simultaneous podcasting/video platforms. Nothing is too hard for God! (-; My ultimate goal is for souls saved, and praying for the world in it's many aspects. You may purchase my book, Making America Righteous-Again: From Bitterness To A Delight at https://www.amazon.com/Making-America-Righteous-Again-Bitterness-Delight-ebook/dp/B01A1JPHUC/ref=sr_1_1?keywords=making+america+righteous&pldnSite=1&qid=1583117346&sr=8-1 You may also support through paypal https://www.paypal.me/michaeldt
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